ICONOCAST/ENGAGE PRESENT WEB ATTACK! JUNE 8-9, ROSELAND, NEW YORK. You've heard about it. Now experience it first-hand. Web Attack! is headed for BROADWAY. Learn what makes e-marketing tick in sessions like EXTREME OFFLINE BRANDING, VIRAL BLOCKBUSTERS & IPO ROADSHOW. Plus a live musical spectacular you won't want to miss!
Sign up now at: => http://www.iconocast.com/webattack/cp
VIP INDUSTRY PASSES: Send an e-mail request to Courtney-guest@next20years.com and PUT in SUBJECT of e-mail "NY-cc GUEST LIST". There is no cost to attend with an INDUSTRY pass, but we must hear from you VERY soon if you want one.
SHOWCASING YOUR COMPANY: If you would like to showcase your technology related company at the private reception, please send an E-mail to DEMO@next20years.com with "NY DEMO" in SUBJECT and company name and web address in e-mail.
4th annual private industry gathering and reception on "The Next 20 Years in Technology" … On behalf of Courtney Pulitzer and The Next 20 years series (now entering its 4th season) along with ZDNet, AT&T, IBM, Microsoft, MIT's Tech Review, Netscape, Motorola, Red Herring Magazine Upside Magazine, Wired, Softnet Systems, Hall Kinion, Business Wire, Hummer Winblad, GuruNet, Netbytel, Xuma, eTour, Business 2.0, Iron Street Labs, Alley Cat News and many others. This industry-only gathering is "an insiders sneak preview of the future of Technology" http://www.next20years.com This lecture and cocktail/showcase reception in NY is By Invitation Only. More than 1400 industry executives will be in attendance.
4th annual private industry gathering and reception on "The Next 20 Years in Technology" … On behalf of Courtney Pulitzer and The Next 20 years series (now entering its 4th season) along with ZDNet, AT&T, IBM, Microsoft, MIT's Tech Review, Netscape, Motorola, Red Herring Magazine Upside Magazine, Wired, Softnet Systems, Hall Kinion, Business Wire, Hummer Winblad, GuruNet, Netbytel, Xuma, eTour, Business 2.0, Iron Street Labs, Alley Cat News and many others. This industry-only gathering is "an insiders sneak preview of the future of Technology" http://www.next20years.com This lecture and cocktail/showcase reception in NY is By Invitation Only. More than 1400 industry executives will be in attendance.
VIP INDUSTRY PASSES: Send an e-mail request to Courtney-guest@next20years.com and PUT in SUBJECT of e-mail "NY-cc GUEST LIST". There is no cost to attend with an INDUSTRY pass, but we must hear from you VERY soon if you want one.
SHOWCASING YOUR COMPANY: If you would like to showcase your technology related company at the private reception, please send an E-mail to DEMO@next20years.com with "NY DEMO" in SUBJECT and company name and web address in e-mail.
Retail Space Available
Retail Space Available
Retail Space Available: Technology/Incubator Building on Houston Street between Sullivan & Thompson seeks strategic partners/investors to create state-of-the-art storefront event space/technology gallery. Fantastic location, incredible details/ambiance. 5,000 sq ft storefront, 5,000 sq ft usable basement space. Send inquiries to: jdm@jdm.com