Tuesday, June 20, 2000

A blissful night with FreeAgent.com

The vast, sprawling cubicle farm from eye-level view was disconcertingly generic. However, as I got my tour and caught glimpses of color and personalization in of FreeAgent.com's brand-spanking new offices, I became intrigued. The Red Room, a circular glass window conference pod promoted visible privacy and the other Ship-hole windows into other meeting pods were interesting, too. Keith Widyolar, corporate marketing communications director of Opus 360, told me and Janine Trusello of Pumpkin Mush Media more about the FreeAgent.com services, a part of Opus 360. Their network puts over 340,000 consultants, freelancers and independent contractors in touch with companies with jobs to fill. This community site is a place where free agents can find work, market themselves, get deals and make connections. The site has a newsletter and an active site, and its party on Wednesday, June 20, was meant to get the word out to media buyers. So come one, come all (media buyers, that is!).

After the tour, I chatted with David Poole (freeagent, marketing), Sam Chudnoff (business services) and John Skroly (director, business services). Just as Andrew Ralles (manager, client strategy, iballs) and I began chatting about some of his clients (SciFi.com and FreeAgent), John Skroly began the raffle. Peals of joy burst out as Tivos were distributed to the lucky winners. I glanced at Andrew and said, "oh, I NEVER win at these things. I've never won once" when, to my serendipitous surprise John was holding a card and said, "Courtney…"

I won!? I won! Oh, my goodness?! I (usually) never win anything! I felt like a commercial for iwon.com! I walked up and received my gift certificate for a significant amount of services at the Bliss Spa. My goodness! I felt like I should give the gift back, considering journalistic integrity, but they wouldn't take it. So a spa-ing we will go – most  likely after a string of all-nighters!