Friday, June 02, 2000

Courtney Pulitzer's Cyber Scene Calendar of Events #1

Courtney Pulitzer's Cyber Scene Calendar of Events

Greetings cyber-networkers! This is the first of our weekly select Calendar of Events. We'll send it on Friday so you can prepare for the coming week's events. As we want to provide as much value as possible, please send us your suggestions to help us improve the format, delivery and scheduling.

If you do not want to receive this email in the future, please send an email

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at some of the upcoming events!

~ Courtney Pulitzer & Co.


June 5 - 9

June 12 - 16

On the Horizon
Event space available

Monday, June 5, 2000

* * MOUSE Celebrates Its Volunteers At Lincoln Center -- MOUSE (Making Opportunities for Upgrading Schools & Education - will host its 2nd Annual Volunteer Appreciation Party The event will be attended by 1,200 Silicon Alley movers & shakers.  Admission is free thanks to sponsors Context Integration ( and (

(Rain date: Wednesday, June 7th)
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Place: Lincoln Center Bandshell (Enter at 62nd St. between Columbus and Amsterdam)
Cost: FREE

* * NYSIA eBusiness SIG, Achieving High Performance in eBusiness Apps
The NYSIA eBusiness SIG focuses on the nuts and bolts of creating eBusiness
applications. SIG moderator Christine Rizzuto of IBM Global Serivces says
about this session: "Building on the IBM e-Business Capability Model session
last month, we are continuing our theme of achieving maximum business
benefit from e-Business initiatives. We are delighted that SIG member Bob
Gallo, from Hudson Williams, will share his knowledge and experience with
developing and implementing high performance applications in the e-Business
environment. Steve Asherman, from Base One International, will share high
performance application enabling tools and know-how.

Time: reception 6:00 PM, program 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Place: IBM Building, 590 Madison (57th Street), Room 950
Cost: FREE to members, $20 for non-members
Rsvp: YOU MUST PREREGISTER! To register, call (212) 475-4503 or email

Tuesday, June 6, 2000

* * "Protecting Your Intellectual Property From Pirates And Profiteers On The Internet" Now that the doors are getting blown off of intellectual property distribution and the average consumer can napster like a virgin, what can an entrepreneur or artist do to protect her copyrights?  Is this the dawn of a new age of enlightenment with regard to intellectual property distribution, or simply an opportunist's excuse for common online theft?  Find out what our panel of expert attorneys, entrepreneurs and activists think.  We will review the basic principles of intellectual property law and provide practical suggestions for meeting the dotcom revolution head-on.  A spirited question and answer session is guaranteed! Moderator: Steven Masur, Esq.,  Masur & Associates Panelists: Orrie Dinstein, Esq., King & Spalding; Moira A. Crouch, Esq., Masur & Associates; Adam I. Cohen, Esq., Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP; John Rigos, and Co-Founder of; Kevin Cunningham, John Perry Barlow, Cognitive Dissident - Co-Founder & Vice Chairman, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 P.M.
Place: Main Amphitheatre at the School of Visual Arts 209 East 23rd Street (btw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.)
Cost: FREE TO ALL ATTENDEES; Refreshments will be served; CLE Credit available to interested attorneys.  Please bring $15 checks payable to "NYCLA" to the Event
Optional Rsvp: 212-349-1200

* * Vis@bility2000 -- is presenting its first all-day seminar, Vis@bility2000, for new media executives. Key players in Silicon Alley will speak and discuss topics on High Visibility Marketing, Guerilla Marketing, Power PR and Advertising Your New Media Firm. Vis@bility2000 is a marketing conference, which caters to Silicon Alley professionals

Time: All day
Place: Global Community Digital Sandbox, 55 Broad Street
Cost: $299, $349, $399 (depending on association/deadlines)
Rsvp: Call (212) 425-0505 or go to

* * NYNMA'S 2000 EVENING PANEL SERIES: Entertainment Online: Are We Having Fun Yet? Since the start of the Internet media revolution, Internet entrepreneurs have been agog with the entertainment possibilities of the medium.  But, six years later, online entertainment remains a stepchild to e-commerce, business-to business auctions, and database marketing online. The latest refrain from Internet pundits is "Wait until consumer broadband arrives, then entertainment will really take off!" and indeed consumer access to broadband does change things; witness the havoc being wreaked on the recorded music industry by MP3 traders living on broadband enabled college campuses. On the business front, the siren call of broadband Internet entertainment made bedfellows of America Online and Time Warner.

Time: Registration: 5:30pm.  Panel: 6:30pm Reception: 8:00pm
Place: The Great Hall at Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street at 3rd Avenue, NYC
Cost: Pre-registration is advised and ends at COB on 6/1 - PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRES PRE-PAYMENT. (Non-refundable, non-transferable.) Fax: 646-349-1560, e-mail: or mail (see below). NYNMA Members: $15 advance, received by 6/1 ($20 at the door) Non-Members: $30 advance, received by 6/1 ($40 at the door) Company discounts: after the 1st 2 attendees from the same company, each additional person will be $5 (NYNMA   members) and $10 (non-members) (pre-registration only; employees' names must appear on the same form) Full-time students with valid ID: $5

* * FIRST TUESDAY -- Presented by Andersen Consulting Dot-Com Launch Centres --Comes to New York City!!! The Organizing Committee of FIRST TUESDAY New York City invites you to join the leaders of New York's Internet community for the launch of FIRST TUESDAY New York City on June 6th. Hear Arnold Chavkin, general partner, Chase Capital Partners, speak about venture financing issues important to the Silicon Alley community.  While we cannot guarantee your Internet venture will get funded at FIRST TUESDAY, we do guarantee a lively discussion and opportunity for conversation with an audience of New York's Internet and financial leaders.  And drinks are on us until 7:00 pm. Space is limited and we anticipate that the event will be oversubscribed.

Time: 6 PM
Place: TBA
Rsvp: Please register soon for this and future events to be held on the first
Tuesday of each month, at

Wednesday, June 7, 2000

* * New York e-commerce executives look to New York eComm to find potential partners, clients, customers and employees. Join the local e-commerce community once a quarter for an informal evening of networking and idea swapping Downstairs at the Astor Lounge.

Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Place: Astor Lounge, 316 Bowery (corner of Bleecker), Light hors d'oeuvres will be served
Cost: Free for members; $10 for non-members
Rsvp: Please RSVP for this event at OR 212.386.5674 with: Event Title, Your Name, Company and Contact Info.


Time: V.I.P. Reception 6:30 pm to  9:00 pm
Place: Studio 450, 450 W. 31st Street
Cost: None
Rsvp: email reply VISIBILITY Public Relations, Len Stein, 212. 777.4350

* * We Breathe electronic fusion party with Air Media -- the sitar-propelled chai-fueled chillum-out happening that's off the hooka!

Time: 10 pm to ---
Place: Sway, 305 Spring Street (East of Washington)

* * New York Ecomm Events Quarterly Networking Reception - New York e-commerce executives look to New York eComm to find potential partners, clients, customers and employees. Join the local e-commerce community once a quarter for an informal evening of networking and idea swapping Downstairs at the Astor Lounge.

Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Place: Astor Lounge, 316 Bowery (corner of Bleecker), Light hors d'oeuvres will be served
Cost: Free for members; $10 for non-members
Rsvp: Please RSVP for this event at OR 212.386.5674 with: Event Title, Your Name, Company and Contact Info.

Thursday, June 8, 2000

* * NYSIA Sales and Marketing SIG

NYSIA's Sales & Marketing SIG is an interactive discussion group for sales
and marketing executives in software, Internet, and information technology
companies. The SIG is moderated by Paul Kontonis of btldesign.
This month: open floor for all member companies. As we approach the halfway
mark of 2000, the time has come to open the floor to discover and discuss
new issues facing our companies. Bring specific scenarios and general concerns so that we can pool together our experiences and present solutions.

Time: reception 8:00 AM, program 8:30 - 9:30 am
Place: New York Academy of Sciences, 2E 63rd Street (between Madison and 5th)
Cost: FREE to members, $20 for non-members
Rsvp: You must preregister! To register, call (212) 475-4503 or email

* * New York Infotech Forum: Webification Of Corporate America: How Giant Automaker Is Driving Its Businesses Toward The Internet. Speaker: Mark T. Hogan, President, In the auto industry, they say the Internet is creating as much
change as the introduction of mass-production assembly lines did a century ago.  To best incorporate that change at General Motors, the world's largest vehicle maker (1999 sales: $176.6 billion) last August created a business unit called e-GM to reorganize its vast Internet resources and expertise.  In his InfoTech Forum presentation, e-GM's energetic chief, Mark Hogan, will describe how
e-GM came about,  what special projects are in the works (like the new e-vehicle due out this fall), and how it uses its alliance strategies with AOL, NetZero, Kelly Blue Book and Edmunds.

Time: 7:15 - 10:30 am
Place: 200 Fifth Club, 200 Fifth Avenue (lobby) at 23rd Street
Rsvp: You must register.  Registration forms and all program information are available at  Sorry, no phone reservations. Have a special question?  Pls contact Eric Aschenbrenner at 212/832-0800, ext 234, or at

* * Thin Air Apps. Official launch of their wireless platform for the wireless Internet. Proper dress requested.

* * San Francisco. Craigslist Party -- craigslist party - featuring a few cyber culture writers -- Mostly it's just a party for craigslist users to get together and connect in person, but we're also gonna have a program where we're inviting cyber community writers to say a few thought provoking words about cyber culture and maybe even take a few questions in a panel format (off stage) from the folks at the party. Should be fun... Hope to see you there and maybe tell a friend.

Time: 6:00 pm -10:00 pm
Place: Regency Building, 1270 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA
Cost: $10

* * ICONOCAST/ENGAGE PRESENT WEB ATTACK! You've heard about it. Now experience it first-hand. Web Attack! is headed for BROADWAY. Learn what makes e-marketing tick in sessions like EXTREME OFFLINE BRANDING, VIRAL BLOCKBUSTERS & IPO ROADSHOW. Plus a live musical spectacular you won't want to miss!

Date: June 8-9
Place: Roseland, NYC

Friday, June 9, 2000
Relax tonight! You worked hard!


* * Coach store opening -- Leather goods. Cheezeburgers served. Serena Altchul, Russel Simmons, Elle bigwig Gilles Bensimon. 917-351-8610. Lara Schriftman PR
Date: Saturday, June 3
Time: 6:30 - 8:30
Place: 290 Ocean Rd. Bridgehampton.

* * Jet East’s the site of the smash Sundance Festival hit "Groove"
premiere. Lisa Ling, Damon Dash, Patricia Herrera, Samantha Ronson and
Hamptons magazine publisher Jason Binn are all co-hosting the event. Lizzie
Date: Saturday, June 3
Rsvp: 966-5000

Monday, June 12, 2000

* * DMA/AIM Email Marketing Forum -- E-mail Marketing Forum: The Politics, the Strategies, the Bonuses and the Results. It's three days of targeted sessions, keynotes, panel discussions, workshops and case studies guaranteed to inform, inspire and energize everyone who attends, whether you're an e-mail marketing veteran or newcomer. Plus, you'll have the opportunity to discover the newest products and services and how they can make your job easier and your e-mail marketing more productive. Get ideas... explore new technologies... and meet with vendors in The Forum Exhibits.

Date: June 12-14
Time: All day
Place: The Global Community Digital Sandbox, NYC
Cost: check site for info
Rsvp: Register online and receive a special Web-only discount. Or call our customer service line at 212.790.1500
* * NYSIA Monthly Meeting, Member to Member "Show and Tell" -- Are you a NYSIA "Industry" member company? Sign up now for your 2 minutes in the spotlight! The first 50 companies to sign up will get to make 2 minute presentations to the meeting. This is the perfect place to arrange strategic partnerships, find vendors, or even potential customers. NYSIA has over 400
member companies. We want to find out what you are doing! We still have some
slots left, so sign up now.

Time: Reception 6 PM, Program 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Place: IBM Building, 590 Madison (57th Street), Room 950
Cost: FREE to members, $20 for non-members YOU MUST PREREGISTER! First 50 Industry Member companies to register can  "Show and Tell"
Rsvp: to register, call (212) 475-4503 or email

Tuesday, June 13, 2000

* * NYSIA Active Server Pages (ASP) SIG, "Rapid ASP Development Using Off the Shelf Components" -- Speaker: David Wihl, President of Software Artisans, will present how to rapidly build ASP applications, such as document management, using off-the-shelf components. In addition, he will demonstrate extending ASP applications using WebServices/SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) to invoke functionality from another server. This will be a highly technical talk showing advanced features of ASP and SOAP. Software Artisans is a world leader in the development of web server components. Bring lots of questions. To be given away!!!: 1 copy of ASP Studio (Value $549) Suite of Server and Client side COM components.

Time: Reception 8AM, Program 8:30-9:30AM
Place: New York Academy of Sciences, 2 E. 63rd Street (between Madison & 5th)
Cost: FREE to members, $20 for non-members YOU MUST PREREGISTER!
Rsvp: To register, call (212) 475-4503 or email

Wednesday, June 14, 2000

* * is hosting The Loop again -- this time it's in Palo Alto.  The last one in San Francisco was great, so we hope you'll be able to join us this time. The Loop is an exclusive, invitation-only event that brings together a select group of CEOs, founders, and executive team members of fast-track startups in the Bay Area with members of the Angel and venture capital investment community.  It's a place for executives to meet their peers, and stay connected in a way that can't be matched at launch parties or other industry events.'s June 14th Loop is sponsored by: Aetna Financial Services, Conxion, Jamcracker, KIS Computer Center, Synapta. Space is limited so please RSVP today! The Loop has reached capacity crowds in the past, so we apologize in advance if we reach capacity and have to close the RSVP list.

Time: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Place: Fanny & Alexander, 412 Emerson St., Palo Alto, CA
Cost: Free parking is available in downtown Palo Alto lots.
Rsvp: online at

Thursday, June 15, 2000

* * NYSIA CEO Council, Recruitment and Retention Issues for Technology Companies NYSIA's CEO Council is a round table forum for CEOs and other top execs of NYSIA member companies. The CEO Council meets for breakfast once a month. This month: Penny Ann Lieberman of the law firm of Jackson, Lewis,
Schnitzler, and Krupman will be offer a presentation on Human Resources
issues for tech companies. Jackson, Lewis is a new NYSIA Corporate Sponsor
and specializes in employment law. Ms. Lieberman will be covering topics
such as hiring, retention strategies, confidentiality and ownership of
Intellectual Property, and stock option plans.The CEO Council is restricted to top execs of NYSIA "Industry" member firms. No freelancers please! You must preregister. Seats are limited so please register early!

Time: Breakfast 8 AM, Program 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Place: Chase Manhattan, 270 Park Ave (47th & 48th ST) 50th Fl, Rm G
Cost: FREE, but you must be a NYSIA Member!
Rsvp: YOU MUST PREREGISTER! Seats are limited!To register, call
(212) 475-4503 or email

Friday, June 16, 2000
Relax for next weeks round of events

On the Horizon

* * SAJA ANNUAL DINNER & CONVENTION - NYC - Hard-hitting panels all day, reception, dinner, awards & dancing all evening. Join 500 guests from around the US and Canada. Dinner by Maharaja Restaurant, Manhattan. Direct questions to or 212-854-5979. All proceeds go to SAJA Scholarship Fund.  Also see our sponsorship guidelines at

Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000
Time: Convention: 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Dinner: 6:30-11 p.m.
Place: Rooner Arledge Auditorium, Lerner Hall, Columbia University 115th St & Broadway, NYC
Cost: $50 for tickets purchased by June 14, $75 for any tickets still available after June 14
Rsvp: Reserved tables of 10 are $500.00 each (includes name in program). Limited student tickets at $35 on all dates. Prices include optional panel discussions during the day. $30 if you want to attend ONLY the panels.

* * Thursday, August 3

What: 4th annual private industry gathering and reception on "The Next 20 Years in Technology"
Where: Lincoln Center, NYC (5:30 pm start)
Info: On behalf of Courtney Pulitzer and The Next 20 years series (now entering its 4th season) along with ZDNet, AT&T, IBM, Microsoft, MIT's Tech Review, Netscape, Motorola, Red Herring Magazine Upside Magazine, Wired, Softnet Systems, Hall Kinion, Business Wire, Hummer Winblad, GuruNet, Netbytel, Xuma, eTour, Business 2.0, Iron Street Labs, Alley Cat News and many others.
This industry-only gathering is "an insiders sneak preview of the future of Technology" This lecture and cocktail/showcase reception in NY is By Invitation Only. More than 1400 industry executives will be in attendance.

MODERATOR - Dan Farber VP editor in chief ZDNet
SPEAKERS - Dr. Michio Kaku - renowned physicist and author of "Visions;" Dennis Roberson - Chief Technology Officer - Motorola; plus special guest TBA

VIP INDUSTRY PASSES: Send an e-mail request to and PUT in SUBJECT of e-mail "NY-cc GUEST LIST". There is no cost to attend with an INDUSTRY pass, but we must hear from you VERY soon if you want one.

SHOWCASING YOUR COMPANY: If you would like to showcase your technology related company at the private reception, please send an E-mail to with "NY DEMO" in SUBJECT and company name and web address in e-mail.


* * Monday Night Magic --

Date: Monday nights
Time: 8:00 PM (It usually ends around 10PM)
Place: The Sullivan Street Playhouse,181 Sullivan Street, Greenwich Village, NYC (2 blocks east of 6th Avenue, 1 1/2 blocks south of West 3rd Street)
Cost: Call Ticketmaster (at 212-307-4100),
Rsvp:  3:00 PM Monday to reserve your seats!

Event Space Available

Retail Space Available: Technology/Incubator Building on Houston Street between Sullivan & Thompson seeks strategic partners/investors to create state-of-the-art storefront event space/technology gallery.  Fantastic location, incredible details/ambiance. 5,000 sq ft storefront, 5,000 sq ft usable basement space. Send inquiries to:


* * To List Your Event Here
Send an email with the following information completed:
Date: / Title: / Event Info: / Time: / Place: / Cost: / Rsvp:

* * We are accepting adverstisements
If you are interested in advertising, please send an email to