Friday, October 08, 1999

TCS Intro: 10/8/99

Courtney Pulitzer's Cyber Scene (tm) ~ October 8, 1999


I.          This week's specials:
Gimme 5 Bro!
An iXLcellent time by all
IWonder what all the hype's about
More Big Bands
Pardon me, Would you please pass the Grey Poupon?
The Internet World Whirlwind
Guten Tag!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch. Bargains and Celebs?

And they're off! Another night of parties!
Is it a magazine or is it a website?

And Where Exactly are the people?

Come here you wascally wabbit!

Tripping out at the W

It's New, Improved, Meta and Fresher!

Other Out of this (Internet)World parties

Writers and Technology

Cyber Scene in Austin ~ by Will Kreth

Cyber Scene in Portland ~ by Mike Kingsella

Cyber Scene Social Notes (networking etiquette for the new media professional)

II.         Regular Features: (full write-ups on the site)
Shakers and Stirrers
Bits and Bytes

Listen to the AudioCast -- in conjunction with ClickHear

III.        "Cocktails with Courtney"

October 12 -- in San Francisco, sponsored by Niehaus Ryan Wong
October 13 -- in Philadelphia
October 27 -- Sponsored by The Swayne Agency & McGraw-Hill
** Save the Date **
December 2 -- A Special Exclusive Holiday "Cocktails with Courtney," sponsored by Vantage Technologies, Inc. Black-tie at The Metropolitan Club. Benefit and Raffle. Details to Follow

IV.        Where in the world is Courtney Pulitzer?

ICONOCAST -- -- Every Saturday
Media Life -- -- Every Monday
AlleyCat News -- -- Every Month

V.         Subscribe! : )
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