If you were a little interested, or concerned about the state of broadband and its inner-workings, Marc Josephson, IntelliSpace's founder and IP Evangelist, spoke at length and in painful detail about it at their magnificent New York offices on Wednesday, October 20th. I stopped by the event, where there were an AlleyCat entourage and other interested parties to hear a bit myself. The small group gathered was intensely interested, and very well educated on the topic, and as Mr. Josephson spoke, various guests chimed in with their very poignant points. And the hors d'oeuvres were tasty morsels too!
Afterwards, Burt Chojnowski of CoolCall.com, Chip Lewis of Metro Learning Channels and I headed out for a sampling of the Hampton's latest invention, Peconic vodka at the Dish of Salt. Burt was in town after a successful meeting with the Band of Angels (and recent CNN appearance!) and we've already got "Cocktails with Courtney" in Silicorn Alley in the hopper!