With all the talk of community, it's about time for some real muscle behind the words. Mark Hurst (mark@creativegood.com) has taken it upon himself to change our lackidasical approach to community-building and is assisting in an incredibly rich and rewarding community-building event. See his invite, sign up, pass this announcement around, and let's make a difference! And now a word from Mr. Hurst himself: "I get tired sometimes that people I know in New York hardly ever seem to connect, or communicate, at anything more than a surface level. So I'm putting together an event that a lot of people I know would probably be interested in: a community-building workshop for people in their 20s and early 30s. (This is an in-person, face-to-face kind of community -- has nothing to do with the Web.) The workshop is an opportunity for people to slow down from the hectic NYC pace, really listen to each other, and work to communicate honestly. I've participated twice in such an event and it's been a extremely helpful, positive, learning experience both times. It has also help form my views on building a humanistic environment within my own company.
The workshop (this is a one-time-only thing) will be held in Manhattan on the weekend of April 16: Friday evening, most of Saturday, and Sunday afternoon. Some meals are provided. People should sign up now: http://www.creativegood.com/fce The cost is a *suggested donation* only... with the meals and facilitator stipends, I'd suggest $80, or $40 for students, or even just pay what you think the workshop is worth once you're done. (The regular price of these events is $200.) The main thing is, you should sign up now if you're interested -- cost should not be a limiting factor. More info at http://www.creativegood.com/fce"