Jim Langston (Web Designer for Non-Profits); Bonnie Oberster (IT Professional segueing into web stuff) http://www.matchbookart.com. Domain name speculator Chris Roth (Designer, Domain Name Speculator, works for a major hosting company) http://www.simplenet.com was also there, as was David Snow who helped start this first happy hour (Illustrator, Web Design of all kinds) http://www.snowdesign.com. Anne Wayman of The MiningCo and who set up the San Diego guide for the MC came out and met some fellow San Diegans (Designer, Writer, MiningCo Guide) http://www.powerfullyrecovered.com, http://sandiego.miningco.com. Tim Wayne (Designer for an IBM sub, Freelance Web Designer) http://www.commquest.com/ and videographer Bev Woodworth
Based on the success of this happy hour, Joe has plans to turn these into monthly gigs with the possibility of something fancier on a quarterly basis. Suggestions for venue preferences and whatnot would be appreciated - send them to Joe Crawford (joe@artlung.com) or David Snow (who organized this inaugural happy hour - kudos for that! -- david@snowdesign.com).