Sunday, December 26, 1999
A Grand Celebration to top off them all
The Galloways--Scott and Margaret--relocated from San Francisco to New York last spring when Scott launched Prophet Brand Strategy's NYC office. Scott's also moving his other new company, Brand Farm, into their new offices in the tower at Chelsea Market in March 2000. Scott & Margaret have had several significant dealings over the last year, including the well advertised for him and leading the charge at for her. To celebrate, the couple is hosting a three-day extravaganza for 65 of their closest friends and colleagues. The event seems to bring a new meaning to the term "e-ticket ride" (Disneyland used to have a ticketing system for their rides, "e" being the best rides).
The party was produced by Jon Taylor, who directs Prophet's marketing efforts on both coasts as well as serving as creative director for Prophet & Brand Farm. Among the guests are: Scott Galloway (CEO Prophet Brand Strategy, SF &NY; Chairman,, SF; Founder, Brand Farm (specialty retail incubator), NY; Founder,, Margaret Galloway (COO & CFO,, NY), Connie Hallquist (Managing Director, Prophet Brand Strategy, NY), Greg Shove (VP, Interactive Marketing, America Online), Shelley Nandkeolyar (VP, eCommerce Division, Williams-Sonoma, Inc.), Barbara Erskine (Member of the Board, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland), Lynne Frank (SVP/General Manager Turner Entertainment Networks, Europe) and Robert May (Founder & CEO of Ikonic Interactive (now part of USWeb/CKS)). And what will this league of glittery digerati be doing? Buying out restaurants for dinners (Savoy and a mom & pop joint in Little Italy), cocktails at the Campbell Apartment, tours of Grand Central, Daily News Building and the UN, slide lectures at the Municipal Art Society and private sunset viewing at Yale University's former dean of architecture, Paul Rudolph. Had enough? It all ends with a lovely brunch at the Galloways? Want in? Send your business plan to be considered for next year!