How does one say goodbye? For me, this is my goodbye to the Internet/new media industry that I have been a part of for the past three months. For those of you who don't know me, I was Courtney Pulitzer's assistant. This week marked my final week in that position as I am now leaving New York to attend medical school. I have enjoyed my time here and have many fond memories. Many of you have read my articles in The Cyber Scene. I hope that you have enjoyed them. For those of you who haven't read my articles, check out the archives :). Before I leave the scene, I wish to give thanks to the many people that have made my time in New York a wonderful experience. First of all thank you to all the people that I have met at the various parties that I have attended. You are too numerous to mention, but I wish to thank all of you for taking the time to talk to me and giving me a chance to learn more about your world. Thank you to my brother's colleagues at PR@vantage who always made me feel welcome when I stopped by the office.
There are two people that I have to give special thanks to. First would be Courtney. I have enjoyed working with her for the past three months. I have learned so much about this fast-paced, high-tech industry. However Courtney was more than just my boss. She became a good friend. I enjoyed going to parties with her and just talking to her in the office. She is a tireless worker and I am honored to have worked with her. Thank you, Courtney, for everything.
Finally, no thank you would be great enough for my brother, Sachin. I have enjoyed the three and a half months up here and it is all because of him. He took the time to show me the city and helped me become acclimated to my surroundings. Whether just a quick chat when I stopped in at his office or cooking dinner at the apartment, we always had a good time. Sachin has taught me so much, and for that I can never repay him. I think it was Bob Hope who said it best..."Thanks for the memories!"
To everyone out there in cyberland, have a happy holidays.