Friday, December 17, 1999

The final "Cocktails with Courtney" of the Millennium

Okay, okay. I know you're all tired of hearing about these "last whatever's of the Millennium," when it isn't even technically the true turn of the century. However, not one to ignore the bandwagon, and in keeping with my schedule, I hosted my last cocktail party of the year, nay, of the century -- oh, all right, OF THE MILLENNIUM! And it was just fantastic! There were so many great people from the "early days," like Seth Price, Hubert Chang, Steve Filler, Steve Introcaso (a great friend and fantastically funny guy too!), Lydia Sugarman and Jeff Hearon. And there were some Alley luminaries like Aliza Sherman, Renee Edelman, Monte Bartlett and Bruce Bernstein. A handful of noted writers and reporters came for some holiday cheer as well, like Stephen Miller, Caroline Waxler, Doug Donovan, Jeff Tyler, Ken Magill and Michael Rovner. Significant Alley-ers in the know like Renny Gleason (iTurf) and his wife Pam, Anne Gardner Kayman (NYC Economic Development Corp.), Rob Argento and San Fran-er Michael Tchong also mixed in the milieu.

Tasty treats floated above guests heads as wine and Bacardi specials were being poured. Sharon Tolpin (Solbright) and I chatted about events. Our raffle went well, but even with my karaoke machine we struggled to get the crowd to stop taking. No problem -- that's just the industry.

And what an industry it is. And how it's grown! Each sponsor: Real Media, UniversityVentures and all had significant growth and results to show this year.

(PS. I know that technically it's not the true end of the Millennium, but Hallmark seems to think so!)