Monday, March 15, 1999
SXSW Web Business Models
Meanwhile, in the seminar room next door, Michael Wolff was speaking to a packed room on a panel devoted to "Web Business Models." Moderated by David Dix of Dell, the panel also had noted Patrick Spain, Chairman and CEO of Hoovers, Carey Earle (Barn Door Consulting and co-founder of, Chris Clark (GCI group), Tish Williams of Upside and Jim Seymour from PC Magazine. "Sometimes success is inherited" Michael Wolff espoused, "you're either born a retailer or you're not." Dave Dix chimed in promoting Dell's strength of great customer service, which doesn't always mean great prices. Figure out who you want to service and what you want. When asked which sites do they think are successful, Jim Seymour called out "" and Carey Earle told us of various artisans (rug loomers) who have sites where they sell online. Chris Clark wished he thought of ebay or MP3. Guess we all can't have the next great idea, can we?