Wednesday, March 24, 1999
BrainBug Ball '99
Matt Straznitskas sends in a dispatch from our Hudson Valley new media neighbors with a recap of his BrainBug Ball '99. In brief -- it was a great success! The event ran from 4:30 to 9PM on Wednesday, March 24, 1999, with a major presentation to launch BrainBug's four new Web products ( Over 120 attendees, an invigorating mix of new media clients, partners, vendors and media, jammed into their funky new offices of 3,000 sq. feet in The Exchange in Farmington, Connecticut. With the line of visitors waiting to get in spilling out the door and the hour getting late, they moved the party down to Murphy and Scarletti's, a hot little nightspot/watering hole literally down the hall. Talk about location! Rob Norman of London-based Tempus Group/Outrider company made an announcement of their new investment in BrainBug, which gave him a terrific opportunity to meet and greet long time BrainBug clients such as Aetna, The Hartford, Phoenix Home Life, Metaserver, and The Hartford Courant. Katie Peters and Spencer Spinell of NYC's Kokopelli (BrainBug's sister company from the Outrider family that now stretches from Oregon, NYC, and Hartford to the UK, Spain, Germany and Hong Kong) were also on hand to mingle with attendees. They also made an announcement that BrainBug would soon be using their amazing Web-based Hotkoko software for project management, billing and more! Check out the picture of Rob Norman (CEO, Outrider), Spencer Spinell (CCO, Kokopelli), (Matt Straznitskas, President, BrainBug), and Katie Peters (CEO, Kokopelli) in front of our new product flags!