GIST Communications, the leading independent producer of TV listings guides on the Internet, is making news these days. They have added two seasoned and top-of-the-line industry professionals to their roster. Wanda Rachel Glinert is now executive director of marketing and Paul Finster will be chief technology officer. Ms. Glinert will work with GIST's programming and strategic partners, focusing on business development, marketing and cross-media advertising campaigns. Mr. Finster will be directly responsible for managing GIST's global technology operations including strategic product development, IT, e-commerce and technical relations with GIST's rapidly growing list of distribution partners.
Adrienne Matt has landed squarely on her feet in a fabulous new position as Senior Writer at Channel Watch out for great work from this talented woman!
US Interactive, Inc., a leading International Internet professional services company, announced today that Stephen Zarrilli has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the firm. Zarrilli one of the company's original employees, had previously been the company's Chief Financial and Administrative Officer. He succeeds Larry W. Smith, who resigned his position as CEO March 1, remains a significant shareholder and will continue to serve on US Interactive's Board of Directors to assist in the ongoing success of the company.
After four years of hosting the nations only syndicated talk show completely dedicated to entrepreneurship, "Let's Talk Business," veteran entrepreneur Mitch Schlimer has been voted to the 1999 Talkers Magazine Heavy Hundred. The list, which is composed of the 100 most important radio talk show hosts in America, puts Mitch and the show's subject of entrepreneurship and small business on the map.
Biscom announced that it has been awarded a patent, by the U.S. Patent and trademark Office on a device that enables users to send and receive faxes and e-mail over the Internet from a single interface.
Well, "Bill Rudin is at it again," and aren't those fabulous words to hear? Last week Rudin announced that in a joint venture with Cogswell Realty Group, they will completely redo an old Northrop Grumman building in Great River, Long Island. SImilar to 55 Broad, Rudin's first adventure into the wired building world, and copied (thankfully) by the creation of the Plug 'n' Go program by the Alliance for Downtown New York, and the city's Economic Development Corporation, this 2 block-long building will have high-speed voice and data communications, video conferencing capability and a telephone system that will operate wirelessly within the center. Unlike its Gotham City sister building, however, the Long Island Technology Center will house a fitness center, in and outdoors recreational areas, child-care center. Similar to 55 Broad's Digital Sandbox, the Long Island Software Technology Network (LIST) was formed a little over a year ago, which has 514 member companies and organizations, will be the first tenant. This center will function similarly to how the Sandbox does. More info is at:
What else went on this week:
* Webcinema-NYC Digital Video and Mini DV "Film Look" Demo on 3/4/99 at NYU.
* No End meeting on building genuine community 3/11/99
* NYNMA Cyber Suds 3/10/99
* WWWAC Brand-New meeting (w/Victoria's Secret) 3/11/99
* Laura Sorokoff's fundraiser for the Leukemia Society Rock n Roll Marathon in San Diego 3/11/99