“These are our agents--they generated at least two leads for us already.” Artist Marguerita and caterer Mark Fahrer, both in chunky, funky, colorful plastic glasses (hers--lime green with black, his--brown with orange and green speckles), were beaming about their new PR/marketing team--their sons! The occasion for them to bring out their "marketing team" was the Art Directors Club opening of a show celebrating The New York Times Magazine's award-winning collaboration of journalism and design on Thursday, March 4, at the ADC.
What an experience to be surrounded by 95% artists and 5% digital-types. Funky glasses were everywhere! Jeff Newalt, corporate communications director for the ADC, introduced me to Roy Anderson of icomweb.com and the Chairman of ADC's New Media committee. Roy produced the first CD-rom for the ADC, which they've included in their annual book of best work. Melanie McLaughlin, art director for Time.com was there with her friend Janet Waegel, who just launched Interocity with a partner. The exhibit continued downstairs, where in light of all the recent political news, I found the following headline most amusing. It was from Time magazine on November 23, 1924 and it read "Mrs. Coolidge, Too, Is Elected--As the First Lady of the Land, She Has won Success on Her Own Right--All Washington Likes Her--She Helps the Public Understand the President." All this in light of the recent Monica blockbuster interview on Wednesday and Mrs. Clinton's prospective run for the Senate. My how times have changed…