Wednesday, March 24, 1999
BullseyeArt/Play Design
Bullseye! I don't always throw a great pitch, but the guys at BullseyeArt/Play Design are right on target. This group of extremely talented artistes have just expanded and moved into new office space at 444 Park Avenue South. And to celebrate, they had a party on Wednesday, March 24th. I met Alex Meyer, production artist at Iguana Studios, talking with Nick Cogan, creative director of Bullseye, by the door as I came into the airy white office space made cozy with a cushiony slate blue carpet. They pointed out the high vaulted skylight ceiling as Sean Pangia, content engineer at Iguana, joined us. Nick took me around the open space where the production team works and showed me the private offices lining the wall with windows looking onto Park Avenue South. There is a small kitchen, and the conference room doubled as a buffet room for the night. The music was hip and loud and the guests were groovin'. Speaking of groovin', the artwork on their walls is simply stunning! Paintings mounted on plexiglass frames of sorts with bright vibrant colors and bold illustrations and strokes each took a wall as a main centerpiece. Some were illuminated from behind and they were all captivating. As Josh Kimberg, CEO of Bullseye, explained they hire from the art schools and train classically-schooled artists in Flash, as opposed to finding new media artists and trying to train them classic illustration and design. The theory works for them because they are getting written about in all sorts of publications, including one in Germany. Josh has also been speaking at several conferences including Milia where he was asked to be in the Zapper show at the end of the conference--a gong show of sorts. At Burda advertising agency's "Envisioning Knowledge Conference" he was asked to speak on interface design but ended up covering political issues related to growing up with technology in his life. Sandra Garcia of Shoot magazine was hanging out in Josh's office, which is also where I met his brother, Michael, an account manager at Bullseye.