GROMCO AND CCM! GromCo Inc., an Internet startup company running a community of consumer-oriented Web sites, launched -- an online resource for consumers looking to find the credit card that best meets their needs. The Web site is an improved and redesigned version of the company's ``Credit Card Advisor'' service, which has been online since 1996 and was ranked No. 1 by Infoseek.
TUNES.COM IN XTC! Well, we all know the web is the place where you can find links to almost anything you can't find in the mainstream. And, in keeping with its strategy to be "all things music" and "technology agnostic," is now offering XTC's cleverly controversial new song "Your Dictionary" for free, exclusively on in Liquid Audio format. Due to its controversial lyrics, this song apparently may never make it to the mainstream airwaves, so TVT Records and have teamed up to promote the new album via digital download.
SPUTNIK'S LAUNCHED! Seth Palmer has been a bit consumed lately working on a really kick-ass project while working at Viant ... and now it's live: It's streaming music video entertainment and *warning* you must have a fast computer (PC compatible, 200Mhz Pentium II or better, Mac PPC 604e 166 or better), lots of RAM, Flash plug-in and the RealVideo plug-in. A fast connection is best, but 56K will suffice.
KUDOS TO BRAIN BUG! One of their projects, The Hartford Courant's web site, has been awarded a superior rating of 4 by CNET's Critique of the Week. The site launched late last year and is described by CNET as "...clean and crisp, with subtle and consistent use of color, type, space, and well designed headers..." (complete review and interview with BrainBug can be found here:
JUMPCUT AT THE OSCARS! Superstar Beck headlined the "HSX and Excite Rock the Academy Awards" Webcast from the House of Blues on March 21. The Webcast is Showcasing the latest technologies, the Webcast was co-produced by JumpCut, a Silicon Alley production company which has also produced Webcasts for the Tibetan Freedom Concert and Backstage at the Tony Awards, will co-produce the Webcast with HSX.
MININGCO AND IPO. I'm sure you've all heard, but in case you're head was buried in your computer like mine was this week, you should know that the, Inc. announced the start of their IPO of 3,000,000 shares of its common stock, all of which are being issued and sold by the company, at a price of $25.00 per share.