In earlier generations a floosie was a flaky person. Well, times have changed, and this term has many other different and far nicer meanings. In ancient Persia, for instance, traders in the Mesopotamian valley used the word "flooz" as slang for "cash." And today, at, it embodies the spirit of giving and convenience. Say you don't know what to get a friend who just had a baby. Or, as Mother's and Father's day approach, you can't for the life of you think of something new and different that your parents don't already have. Well, Flooz takes all that worry away from you. Now, instead of presenting your loved one with A) a gift they don't like B) will never use C) already have D) a cold, impersonal gift certificate. Now you can give them something fast, fun, easy and unique! "Sending someone flooz money is like sending them an online shopping spree," said Robert Levitan, CEO of It's true!
With my gift flooz money, I went and surfed through a whole bunch of sites they have alliances with and felt such freedom to be able to purchase from any one of them. I finally decided on a lovely, periwinkle, velvet mouse wrist-guard from the Violet site. And, when it came time to purchase I didn't have the hassle of having to go find my pocketbook, wallet and credit card and once again enter all the pertinent information. Considering how much a person can spend online, once comfortable with the concept, using flooz is so incredibly easy. You only have to enter all your information once, and just keep putting money into your flooz account. Then, when you go surfing and want to buy something, Presto!, just plop in your flooz account number.
AND--as a special deal for The Cyber Scene readers, sign up with Flooz today and
1) Be automatically entered in a sweepstakes to win a $1,000 online shopping spree
2) Get $10 Flooz FREE, just by signing up and testing the site.
In a special arrangement with The Cyber Scene readers, flooz will give you $10 flooz dollars, which actually can get you some nice trinkets! Go test the site, which is in beta, and send your comments to me. (, with Flooz comment in the subject) Here's your chance to go spend someone else's money (yea!) and in the line of Mark Hurst and his ease-of-use consultancy firm Creative Good, help change a site to be better for users. So, sign up today, identify yourself as a Cyber Scene reader and go flooz around for your benefit and theirs!
The team at Flooz, including Simon, Dermot and Marci are all highly talented and motivated people. They're working hard on adding more vendors and getting the site in tip-top shape. So be sure to help them out, send your comments and get a cool gift too!