The Let's Talk Business Network knew a good thing when they read it. After my report on the trip I made to Vancouver, BC, Canada, compliments of Matt Toner and the Canadian Consulate with fellow internetrepeneurs Garnet Heraman (University Ventures) and Niall Swan (NUA), the LTBN guys targeted Vancouver as the next best place to set up shop. The big party is next week and you'll get the whole lowdown right here!
Jupiter Communications announced that it formed a strategic partnership with Sydney-based APT Strategies to facilitate distribution of Jupiter's services in Australia and New Zealand.
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CALLING ALL BETA TESTERS AND PAINTERS (tell 'em Courtney sent ya!:))
Nothin' to do this weekend? Cheer up little buckaroo! Stop by Comet System's offices at: over this weekend to help paint their new space and receive a FREE Comet Cursor!!! E-mail for more info! If you can't have fun there, you can't have fun anywhere! is now live at Most visitors will likely arrive via the Netcenter portal, where Citibank is running banners, but here's your opportunity to come via The Cyber Scene! This "ultra-soft" launch is designed to begin building the brand and gauging user reactions. Please let Marc Perton [] know what you think.