Tuesday, December 12, 2000

Glamourous Women in New Media

The Helena Rubenstein's SoHo store was keeping the Women in New
Media warm and toasty for their holiday party on Tuesday, December
12th. WINM coordinator Trudy Elins was one of the charming hostesses
with the mostess, as guests came and I met Gromco.com's Miranda
Berner. WebMorter's Barbara Frerichs was looking sparkly after her
makeover, and I saw more women line up for theirs as I went over to
chat with Marion Novak, who told me she just launched her new
company -Leapfroggers. Orb's Laura Berland and IBM's Pauline Ores
were holding out till the end before they sat down. I chatted with
Enjewel's Mary Katherine Rafferty, Manchester's Linda Smith and
American Express' Hitomi Iba. TMP Worldwide's Mai Keklak, Christine
Lutrario and Karen McCabe were chatting up front, and ProAct's
Miriam Eaves and WINM's Yvette DeBow and I discussed their
internship program. We also talked about getting Silicon Alley
companies more involved with educational and charitable activities.
Before leaving, I said hello to a few renewed and glamourous
ladies: Abridge's Susan Hunt Stevens and AllWomenInvest.com's Clara