New York
October 9, 2000
* * Webgrrls: Monthly
Networking Meeting Time: 6:30pm. Place: The Creative Group, 245 Park Ave (@45th
St), 25th Fl. Cost: $5. Rsvp: http://nyc@webgrrls.com
10, 2000
* * Building A Successful
New Media Business I 6 sessions Intellectual Property & Smart Legal
Planning, Time: 6:15 to 9:15PM.
Place: Globix: 139 Centre St.
(1.5 blocks south of Canal), NYC (N, R, 6, J, M, Z trains to Canal)Cost: NYNMA
members - $625 per person. Non-members - $725 per person (includes a one-year
NYNMA membership).
* * iSyndicate's
Syndication Summit 2000 Place: Hudson Theatre, The Millennium Broadway Hotel,
New York City. Cost: $699 early bird registration. Rsvp: Register at www.isyndicate.com/summit
* * The Future Economy and
How to capitalize on it, by Salomon Smith Barney. Time: 6:30 to 8:00PM. Place: Tribeca rooftop, 2 Desbrosses Street,
New York. Rsvp: before October 2, 2000 at kerry.l.hunter@ssmb.com
* * Arthur Andersen
eBusiness Symposium: "Building, Branding, Breaking Out: The Reality of
Building an eBusiness from the people doing it." Time: 7:30 to 11:30AM.
Place: Marriott Marquis. Cost: $75. Rsvp: http://www.aametrony.com/ebiz ,
mailto:susan.j.hoffberg@us.arthurandersen.com or (973) 403-6290.
* * iMIX.tv v2.0: 'Making
Interactive Television Work' Date: Tuesday October 10,10 to Thursday October
13, 2000. Place: Marriott at the World Trade Center. Cost: Executive
Conference: $1950. Developer's Conference: $695. Expo only: $50. Rsvp:
* * The Downtown Alliance:
Bits, Bytes & Bar. Time: 6:00 to 8:00PM. Place: Windows on the World, One
World Trade Center, 107th floor. Rsvp:
11, 2000
* * iSyndicate's Syndication
Summit 2000 Place: Hudson Theatre, The Millennium Broadway Hotel, New York
City. Cost: $699 early bird registration. Rsvp: Register at
* * This seminar will
provide an overview of Regulation FD and practical tips for complying with the
new regulation and implementing a Regulation FD compliance program. Time:
8:30 to 10:30AM. Place: Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP, 900 Third Avenue,
New York, NY 10022. Cost: Free.
However, advance registration is required since attendance will be
limited to allow for audience participation. Rsvp: Register online at
* * MIT Enterprise Forum:
"Batting 1000: How to get the money you need from the people you
want". Time: 6:00 to 8:00PM Place: Lighthouse, 11 E 59th St. Cost:
$60-$30. Rsvp: http://www.mitef-nyc.org
* * Complying with the
Sec's new regulation FD: An overview and practical guidance for all public and
soon to be public companies. Time: 8:30
to 10:30 AM. Place: Location: Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP, 900 Third Avenue,
New York, NY 10022. Cost: Free.
Rsvp: (http://www.srz.com/inm-registration.html)
* * McFadyen Consulting
& Dynamo Users Group: "Emerging Trends in Web Personalization"
Time: 8:00 to 12:00PM. Place: The Plaza Hotel, 768 5th Avenue at Central Park
South. Cost: Free. Breakfast. Rsvp: http://www.DynamoUsersGroup.org
October 12, 2000
* * Global Venture
Network: VC Breakfast: How to Adapt to Volatile Market Conditions: What Venture
Capitalists Are Looking For Now. Time: 7:15 to 10:30AM. Place: Yale Club
Speakers include David Edwards, Charles River Ventures Matthew O'Connell, Crest
Communications Holdings Graham D.S. Anderson, EuclidSR Partners Venetia
Kontogouris, Trident Capital. Cost: $75.
Rsvp: mailto:info@GlobalVentureNetwork.com or
* * FatThursday.com
Internet Networking. Time: 7:00 to 10:00pm
Place: Le Bar Bat, 311 W. 57th St. (bet. 8th and 9th Ave) Cost: $10. Rsvp:
malto:brent@quixotico.com or http://www.fatthursday.com
* * Icon Medialab Evening
Lecture Time: 6:30PM. Place: Skylight Ballroom, The Puck Building, 295
Lafayette Street. Cost: Free. Open Bar. Rsvp:
* * The Brooklyn Chamber
of Commerce Cordially Invites You to Brooklyn Eats: The 4th Annual Food, Wine
& Beer Tasting Festival. Time: 6:00 to 8:30PM. Place: New York
Marriott-Brooklyn (333 Adams Street). Cost: Tickets: $50 per person in advance. Advance Tickets
available through Tele-Charge call (212) 239- 6200 $65 per person At-the-Door.
Rsvp: www.brooklynchamber.com.
16, 2000
* * How to Become a Better
Communicator hosted by SkillPath. Place: Park Central
Hotel, 870 Seventh Ave. Cost: $149 per person ($139 each for four or more.
Rsvp: (800) 873-7545 or www.skillpath.com
17, 2000
* * TechExpoDowntown.
Time: 11AM to 6PM. Place: 55 Broad Street. Cost: Free. Rsvp: For exhibiting and
sponsorship opportunities call us at 212-655-4505 ext. 224
tbyron@techexpoUSA.com http://www.techexpoUSA.com.
* * Latham & Watkins: E-Street to Wall Street: Going
Public in the New Economy. Time: 8:00 to 11:30AM. Place: New York Palace, 455
Madison VP, Cost: Free. Rsvp: http://www.lw.com
* * Bloomberg Television:
International Television Association's (ITVA) Season Kick-off: "The
Candidates and the Media." Time: 6:00 to 9:00PM. Place: Bloomberg
Television, 499 Park Avenue, 16th Fl. Cost: $20. Rsvp: jbengis@aol.com
18, 2000
* * iBreakfast, Silicon
Alley Breakfast Club: "Blue Chips or Pink Slips. Is it worth risking
everything for a career in the New Economy" Panel: Hussam Hamadeh,
Co-Founder, Vault.com; Richard Johnson, CEO, HotJobs. Time: 7:30 to 10:00AM.
Place: Marriott Marquis (Times Sq.), 23rd Fl. Cost: $70/$50. Rsvp: http://www.ibreakfast.com
* * LogicChain's Poor Man's
Oktoberfest. Come have fun mingling while tasting an array of international and domestic brews. Time: 6:00 to 9:30PM. Place: 16 west 32nd street,
penthouse, take the elevator to the 11th fl. and then walk up a floor. Cost:
free. Rsvp: 212.904.1850, email to events@logicchain.net
* * World Research Group:
Entertainment Online 2000. Speakers include leaders from: CNBC.com, Soundbreak,
Children's Television Workshop/SesameStreet.com, Gaylord Entertainment Company,
Lili Tomlin of LiliTomlin.com and recording producer Jerry Harrison, founding
member of the Talking Heads and co-founder of Garageband.com Time: 8:00AM to
5:00PM. Place: Windows on the World, 1 World Trade Center, 107th Floor. Cost:
$1,495. Rsvp: http://www.EntertainmentOnline2000.com.
* * Hotjobs Workworld
Career Expo. Time: 10AM to 6:30PM. Place: Madison Square Garden. Rsvp:
19, 2000
* * New York Venture
Group: "Napster backer tells what it's like to be there". With Hank
Barry, CEO, Napster & Partner, Hummer Winblad. Place: NY Athletic Club, 180
Central Park South (at 7th Ave), 9th flr. Cost: $95/$150. Rsvp:
* * CyberCity@LIC
Launch Party. Time: 6:00 to 9:00PM. Place: Silvercup Studios, 42 22nd St., Long
Island City, Queens. Cost: Free. Rsvp: rsvp@licbdc.org or call (718) 786-5300.
20, 2000
* * "Evening in the South of France: The Young
Leaders Society of the United Way of NYC
is hosting its Fall Gala. Time: 6:30 to 11:00PM. Place: The Altman Building on 135 West 18th
Street. Cost: $45 in advance! ($55 at
the door). Rsvp: and Advance Purchase: http://www.uwnyc.org/ylevent.htm.
Questions?: Adylia Castro
or (212) 251-4021.
October 11-13, 2000
Leveraging the Internet to Mass Customize Products & Services. Date:
October 11-13, 2000. Place: Atlanta, Georgia. Rsvp:
October 17,2000
* * First-Ever Heineken Ampt Music Showcase Celebrates
Austin Music. Time: 9:00PM Place:
Antone's 213 West 5th Street (5th and Lavaca St.).
October 17, 2000
* * CondéNet cordially invites you and a guest to celebrate
our 5th Anniversary at Cocktails with Courtney.
Enjoy complimentary martinis with cyber hostess Courtney Pulitzer and
mix and mingle with industry peers. Time: 6:00 to 8:00PM. Place: Harry's Velvet Room, 56 W Illinois
St., Chicago. Rsvp: condenet-ch@cocktailswithcourtney.com. This special
three-part event series will be held in Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
October 12, 20000
* * Austin, TX-based Hoovers Online cordially invites you
their launch in association with Cocktails with Courtney London’s dot.com movers and shakers welcome Hoovers Online in the UK in association with Cocktails with Courtney. Time: 6:30 to 8:30PM Place: Kabaret (16 - 18 Beak Street, London, W1) Entrance on: Upper John Street, next to Pizza Parlour off Beak Street(Tel: 0800 1696040).
their launch in association with Cocktails with Courtney London’s dot.com movers and shakers welcome Hoovers Online in the UK in association with Cocktails with Courtney. Time: 6:30 to 8:30PM Place: Kabaret (16 - 18 Beak Street, London, W1) Entrance on: Upper John Street, next to Pizza Parlour off Beak Street(Tel: 0800 1696040).
Rsvp: By October 10th at www.cocktailswithcourtney.com
or Call Robyn Adams at Gnash on 44 (0)207 243 4443
San Francisco
October 12, 2000
* * Craigslist Fall
Social. Time: 7:00 to 12:00AM Place: Le Colonial, 719 Sutter at Taylor. Rsvp:
* * Corporate Venturing
hosted by Strategic Research Institute. Date: October 30-Tuesday, October 31.
Place: Boston, MA. Cost: $1,595. Rsvp:
* * The Fourth Annual Camden Technology Conference. Date:
October 27-29 Place: Camden Opera House, Camden, Maine
Rsvp: http://www.poptech.org/register-set.htm
Rsvp: http://www.poptech.org/register-set.htm
Los Angeles
* * CondéNet cordially invites you and a guest to celebrate
our 5th Anniversary at Cocktails with Courtney. Enjoy complimentary martinis
with cyber hostess Courtney Pulitzer and mix and mingle with industry peers.
Date: October 24, 2000. Time: 6:30 to 9:00PM.
Place: Lounge 217, 217 Broadway,
Santa Monica. Rsvp: to condenet-la@cocktailswithcourtney.com by Monday, October
23. This special three-part event series will be held in Chicago, Los Angeles
and San Francisco.
* * Cocktails with Courtney in conjunction with Bozell
Kamstra debut our famous cyber networking reception soirée in
Philadelphia. Date: October 23,
2000. Time: 6:30 to 8:30PM. Place: TBD.
Rsvp: www.cocktailswithcourtney.com
* * Cocktails with Courtney sponsored by Ripple Effect
Interactive (www.r-effects.com). Date: October 22, 2000. Time: 6:30 to
8:30PM. Place: TBD. Rsvp: www.cocktailswithcourtney.com.
San Jose
* * Global Strategies
Summit. Date: October 18-20, 2000. Place: San Jose, CA Doubletree Hotel. Rsvp:
Please visit the event's website for more information at
http://www.usa-lisa.org/global-strategies/ or contact Clifford Rohde at
lisa@robertbrandon.com or (202) 331-1550 or Alison Rowles at
rowles@lisa.unige.ch or +41-21-821-3210.
Event Space Available
* * Event Space Available:
Technology/Incubator Building on Houston Street between Sullivan & Thompson
seeks strategic partners/investors to create state-of-the-art storefront event
space/technology gallery. Fantastic
location, incredible details/ambiance. 5,000 sq ft storefront, 5,000 sq ft
usable basement space. Send inquiries to: jdm@jdm.com
* * Our weekly select Calendar of Events. It is
sent every Friday so you can prepare for the coming week's events. As we want
to provide as much value as possible, please send us your suggestions to help
us improve the format, delivery and scheduling.
Joanna Fabozzi, Editor
* * To List Your Event Here
Send an email with the following information completed:
Event Info:
* * We are accepting advertisements
If you are interested in advertising, please send an email
to ads@thecyberscene.com?subject=Advertise:Calendar