The newest addition to the event series trend is Chicago-based Vcapital
with their iDeal Exchange series. Their format follows others with a panel
of respected leaders in the industry and networking reception afterwards,
but breaks from tradition with a smaller, private exchange before the
event. Their core differentiator is matching entrepreneurs with the
appropriate VCs to help target the search. This night, they held a special,
unannounced private showcase for four companies to meet some VC before the
main event. Adfluence, Codepower.Com, Conjoin and Funkytalk were the lucky
contenders for this one. The panel-- Bill Garth Neely of,
Chip Austin of iHatch, Ariane de Bonvoisin of Time Warner Digital Media,
Scott Rechler of FrontLine Capital and Stuart Ellman of RRE Ventures--got
rave reviews for "true discussion" and "real opinions" being offered.
Afterwards, I mingled with the attendees and chatted with Craig Grabiner
and Darryl Walker of Vcapital. Jeff Heron of and Mark Baer of
the NYStock Exchange were there. Burt Alimansky of the New York Business
Forums was on his way out, after a long day starting with his breakfast
series that morning. Networking and business card swapping was in full
swing when I swung out, onto the next soiree.