Scholarly women in theater and technology
Gathering a sophisticated set of men and women, the Women in New Media organized a benefit cocktail party and theater performance for their young women's college scholarship fund on April 27. Sponsored by iXL and Jupiter Communications the cocktail reception was at the pretty champagne bar Flute. I chatted with iXLer Diana Butler Gersten, who introduced me to John Mouney (VP of field marketing, SF) and Richard Erickson (the new GM of the New York office). Miriam Eaves, VP strategic partnerships of Consumer Financial Network was telling me that Cathi Raffaeli, President and COO of CFN raised over $130 million dollars, surpassing amounts raised by other visible women in the Alley by many millions! Yvette De Bow, board member & chair, community services committee, explained the idea and plans for this fund. Their first of these annual events will raise enough money for five $5,000 scholarships for women entering college in the Fall of 2001. WIN hopes that through this program and website that they will raise continuous awareness for women and assist in closing the digital divide. Through the site, donations can be made in an ongoing basis and they hope to expand their offering to the tri-state region next year. Before dashing off I chatted with Cara Famillet, who is now working in business development with Bloomberg in the new media department, Louis Ferro of Galileo Projects, Sean Leous of PLR PR and Ruth Stevens of