The bass was pumping and the disco lights were flashing, red streams of water rolled down rock formations and smoke machines pumped. That set the stage for dramatic mistiness at the first Silicon Alley Nights soiree Bogen PR held for its attendees and guests at the Lava Lounge on Tuesday, April 11. Ed Bogen greeted me at the door. While I didn't choose to wear a nametag, the posters and banners reminded me of this event's purpose --networking. Sponsored by GVA Williams, this night was an opportunity for Bogen PR to do something special for Breakfast attendees and to expand into the ever-growing arena of evening activities. I chatted for a while with David Boorstin, who is working with Nuforia/Red Sky Interactive, and Adam Cricchio, design director for Admaster Communications, about the future of our industry. Will it become controlled by one huge monopoly? Will the creative little guys get gobbled up? I was in an unusually pessimistic mood and sadly admitted yes, most likely. But if it makes our lives easier, will we care? And with that bubbly exchange, I scooted over to say Hello to Hima Furata of, Nick Khan of CP Interactive and Steven Miller of The New York Times, who introduced me to John Crowley of Vision. Steve Stein of was talking with Andrew Fox of, who's working on an expansion plan for his parties.