Polishing off one more bite of sushi I headed over to the Life Club on Bleeker Street
where 141 Interactive (integrated marketing) and Globix (total Internet solutions)
hosted a wild party. This interactive event was produced by Adriana Kaegi of the
Globix Streaming Media Group and was done in conjunction with 141 Interactive. I
chatted briefly with Dan Rayburn, Worldwide Streaming Media Manager of Globix
and then became immersed in the live performers, live webcast, live webcam, live
chat, live dancing, live people, live drinking, live, live, live event! In addition to "the
beautiful people from ad agencies" I saw Bernardo Joselevich of Duty Free Guide and
Michael Diamant of T3 Media, who I'd classify as elegant businessmen. I got my
picture taken by the Earthcam.com kiosk, check it out! I headed out with Marc Bell,
CEO and President of Globix Corporation, as the young clubbers were still going at it!