Monday, May 17, 1999

Media Life magazine launch

If you're involved in media buying for the web, and who isn't on some
 level, then you should check out the newest mag to come onto the
 scene! Media Life magazine is getting started by the dynamic and
 effervescent founding editor-in-chief Gene Ely and witty and with-it
 senior editor Jeremy Slossberg. I'll be contributing too -- writing about
 advertising on the web and you can sign up for your free subscription
 at This new web site will be aimed at
 media directors, media planners, and media buyers and is scheduled to
 be online as of May 17th. Free for registered subscribers, this mag will
 cover the entire media industry, with sections on new media, TV,
 cable, magazines, and newspapers. The emphasis will be on the Web
 as an advertising medium and their goals are two-fold: first, to inform
 people who specialize in new media about the latest developments in
 the marketplace; and second, to relate major trends in new media to
 the overall media marketplace--a valuable but often missing
 perspective on the hype-addled Internet scene. Just two of the things
 that set Media Life apart from other publications is that they do not
 believe that new media stories are only about finance, nor do they
 believe that being the first to announce someone else's announcement
 is equivalent to being a good reporter. Gene also launched the
 award-winning print magazine "Inside Media" and is applying his
 industry know-how and journalistic talents to bring a new level of
 value to the concept of "trade publication." So anyone who is a media
 decision-maker is entitled to a free subscription, and may enroll at Send me your tips and good things to
 write about!