Wednesday, May 05, 1999

"Cocktails with Courtney" Ole!

 I thought everyone knew Cinco de Mayo meant the 5th of May, but a
 few people who came to my special "Cocktails with Courtney" for this
 day were confused. Oh well. The ones that made it enjoyed
 margaritas and tequila--compliments of Cuervo--and red wine
 compliments of Gundlach Bundschu wines. Donning my crazy orange
 tutu skirt and a sombrero I met a number of interesting new people
 such as Yolanda McCoy, an engineer at Malcolm Pirnie, as she
 discussed environmental consulting and cyber attorney Otho Ross and
 Alexandre Pereira of Lisbon, Portugal's Novodesign. Renaissance
 Multimedia came out in full force and Tom Peckenham and Bob Slote
 of Organic media came by. Gary Welz (biz dev, Rare medium),
 Eleanor Hass (e-technologies), William Gray (Signal Capital), Katie
 Peters (CEO, Kokopelli) and Scott Halperin (Credit Lyonnais).
 Samuel Alcoff looked sharp in his nice blue blazer and Elizabeth
 Gerst, Anna Muckenberg and Jill Bennett were a NY1 fashion trio!
 Deborah Newman of DejaNews stopped by in a festive shirt, and
 Michael Fox (Middleberg) and Michael Domican of Grey
 Entertainment also came out for some fun. And Perry Soloman of
 Price Waterhouse brought along some friends to share in the
 festivities. Sports recruiter Joe Rubin (Players Portfolio Web site) and
 Tristan Spill of TMS Interactive (Based in UK) were there, as were
 Mark Modezelewski and his lovely wife Kelly, the crew from, and Laurie Sulzbugh -- from California. Roderick Beck
 from Commonwealth Associates came to my party specifically to
 meet up with David Eisenberg and Frank Robles (NanoSpace) for
 some dealmaking. All that stopped however when The World's
 Greatest Pinata Master (a.k.a. Chip Lewis) stopped in from his busy
 schedule of producing three cable shows (Plugged In, Metro Money
 and Metro Law) to assist in the Most Excellent Game of
 WWWACking the Pinata! As WWWAC President Bob Ponce swung
 the stick, blindfolded, the onlooker chanted "WWWAC! WWWAC!
 WWWAC!" After two swift clubs, the horse's back broke and
 "Nerds" candy and toys spilled across the floor. No major mad
 scramble for these goodies tho' the party was set to end promptly at
 8:00 pm this time so people could go back over to Edgewise's
 Rave-up. Special thanks to my father, Arthur, Holly Rosen and
 Mirsky (of Mirsky's worst of the web) for helping me out this month.