Cocktails with Courtney
the Wines
Gundlach Bundschu
This Month
May 20th
The Driskill, Austin, TX
6:00 till 8:30
Join us in the beautiful Veranda room for cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, wonderfully rich networking opportunties and the chance to meet great people from cool companies, experience Wayport's high-speed connectivity in the beautiful hotel.
Upcoming Months
May 5th -- Cinco de Mayo party in conjunction with Edgewise '99<
May 19th -- The Mansion in Turtle Creek, Dallas, TX
May 20th -- The Driskill, Austin, TX
Every Month
Join me and selected internet industry friends, associates, and business acquaintances for a fine evening with witty and thought-provoking conversations, cocktails to heighten the mood, and complementary hors d'oeuvres.
Past Months' parties:
April 1, 1999
February 24, 1999
January 27, 1999
December 16, 1998
November 18, 1998
October 28, 1998
September 23, 1998
Special Thanks to these Sponsors:
Pulitzer Promotions, Dewline