Thursday, March 22, 2001

MetamorphaNet's metamorphosis

You may remember Hsaio-ping Jao for her phenomenal job organizing the Nerds Night Out black tie party in November 1999. If you don't, then I'm sure you'll still be just as interested to learn that this dynamic woman has formed a new company called MetamorphNet. The new economy development firm is providing strategic consulting services to diverse enterprises, with special interests in technology-related, globally-oriented business development solutions. Many of their clients, including a sampling from the UN, were at the launch party at the Essex Lounge on Thursday night, March 22nd. Hsaio-ping introduced me to Wheelhouse's Robert Coverdale, Imagine Software's Sherwin Phatax and Level M's Roger Williams Meyer. As tasty little empanadas passed by, I chatted for a bit with NYSIA's executive director Bruce Bernstin, author Larry Aronson, Jeremy Kagan and's Bob Ponce. Hsaio-ping, the CEO and president, introduced me to her COO Clara Troncoso. This 100% self-funded, woman-owned company is another testament to the strong women in the Alley, making businesses and lives for themselves. Go Hsaio-ping!