Thursday, February 01, 2001
TCS Intro ~ 2/1/01
* Upcoming Speaking Engagements
First Annual Alternative Media Festival. February 8, 2001. 6:30 - 8:30 PM
* Upcoming Events
Cocktails with Courtney Cannes Tuesday, February 13. 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM MILIA. Cannes, France
Courtney with Courtney Special Valentine's Night Soiree Wednesday, February 14th. 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Serena. 222 West 23rd Street. $25.00 YOU MUST RSVP IN ADVANCE
Tuesday, March 13th Four Seasons. Austin, TX Sponsored by The Capital Network. In conjunction with ThemePark.
Morning Circle
February 28, 2001. 7:00 AM. New York City.
* Recent Press
Dot Commers: Back From Dead? - Courtney Pulitzer, The Cyber Scene (6.8 min). Despite the massive Dot-Com layoffs, Courtney Pulitzer is optimistic dot-commers will bounce back. Interviewed by Caleb Goddard Friday, January 26, 2001. "An industry with a black eye dons black tie" by Mo Krochmal.
Wall Street Journal. Friday, December 15, 2000. C1. "Flatiron Sees Some Deals Turn to Rust As Tech Slide Wears on Venture Capital" By Suzanne Mcgee and Jennifer Rewick "EVENT REVIEW: Iconocast's Exclusive New York Luncheon" To read this quick article, go to:
See all the press mentions online
* Courtney's Calendar of Events
Our calendar of select industry events is a must-have companion to the weekly newsletter that covers them after the fact. Subscribe with your name, title and company to Subscribe or Unsubscribe
* Corporate Partners
Expression Engines -- Email list management
Aperian -- Connectivity/Hosting
* Publisher's Note
New York is all abuzz with panels of predictions and pontifications! Everyone's trying to figure out what's going to happen and how to succeed. Despite the market roller-coaster and governmental shifts, the industry is moving forward at its measured pace and developments continue in new technologies and sensible websites.