Wednesday, November 29, 2000
O Christmas Tree!
O Christmas Tree, How are thy leaves so verdant! It was a beautiful balmy November night (till later) and a select group of invited guests gathered on the 3rd floor of SiegelGale’s offices for an upscale soiree for the annual NYC Christmas Tree lighting ceremony on Wednesday, the 29th. Outside on the terrace, “Joystick Nation” author JC Hertz was well prepared with a fur-collared ensemble and good conversation with SiegelGale Interactive VP Andrew Zolli. The Rockettes performed outside on another stage (there were four), while inside, Jupiter Communications’ Kate Berg and Revolution magazine Editor-in-Chief Stovin Hayter chatted. I sipped a cranberry martini as I chatted with LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae’s Raj Godfrey-Mahapatra about his entrepreneurial networking group, and met Michael Allen (of The Michael Allen Company). Digital Club Network’s Andrew Raisej and Wit Soundview’s Zoe Adlersberg were among the digerati who came by. BusinessWeek’s Diane Brady, who was about 10 days away from giving birth, chatted with Joycelyn Henri and I about maternity laws around the world, while Marc Anthony belted out his hit-song. As the moment got closer, a handful braved the beginning rains and sipped hot toddies as the tree was lit. Hurrah!