The Woolworth Building, the World Trade Center and the Moon could all be glanced and oogled at from the Penthouse of 11 Park Place. Masur & Associates hosted an open house in their offices on Thursday, November 2nd, for old and new friends alike. Upon arriving, I chatted with Bruce Strzelczyk, who introduced me to FS Partners Stephen Salzman. Nunet CEO Dietmar Petutschnig told me enthusiastically about the re-launch of and escorted me out to the lovely rooftop with stunning views. There I met Jason Gardner, who's been traveling for two years.
We chatted while gazing at the moon and noticing the old-fashioned banker lamps illuminating the brick walls. Inside, MOUSE Executive Director Sarah Holloway was chatting with her former neighbor, Peter, who's trying hard to not get a job. Jumpcut's Jen Grant introduced me to her friend Cyndi Manriquez, who is the business development/office manager/party planner for Masur & Associates. Their pal Tom Ryan (formerly of CDuctive) and his peeps were spinning for entertaining. As I gathered my coat, two strapping chaps said they were going to install a ramp for skateboarders on the roof!