New York
Our partners at Avondale Search International are your answer. Your
business depends on hiring the best and brightest professionals, so call Camille Naughton, VP of Sales, at Avondale Search International, Inc.. Successfully placing hundreds of top professionals around the world, ASI is proof that success breeds success. Let ASI work for you! Camille can arrange for a free recruitment strategy analysis for your venture, courtesy of Courtney Pulitzer.
Contact: http://www.avondalesearch.com
Our partners at Avondale Search International are your answer. Your
business depends on hiring the best and brightest professionals, so call Camille Naughton, VP of Sales, at Avondale Search International, Inc.. Successfully placing hundreds of top professionals around the world, ASI is proof that success breeds success. Let ASI work for you! Camille can arrange for a free recruitment strategy analysis for your venture, courtesy of Courtney Pulitzer.
Contact: http://www.avondalesearch.com
November 21, 2000
* * Courtney Pulitzer Morning Circle
Breakfast: "Where in the World is Wireless". Sponsored by OneStudio
and UBS Bank. Noted speakers:
Donna Campbell, Director, Ericsson Cyberlab
Owen Davis, Owen Davis, Chairman, CEO and co-Founder Seth Goldstein, Principal,
Flatiron Partners Gordon Gould, CEO, UPOC.
Time: 8AM Sharp to 9:00AM. Place:
UBS Bank 10 East 50thStreet(btwn Madison and 5th Avenue)
New York, NY. Rsvp is required: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?binid=1&bevaID=9138
* * Charting Your Course to an Internet
IPO-Safe Harbors: Keeping Most
Time: 8:30am to 10:30am. Place: 1133 Avenue
of the Americas, between 43d & 44th Sts. Cost: Free. Rsvp: Christine
Eschenauer, (212) 336-2592, eschenac@pbwt.com,
* * 2000 Emerging Technologies
Conference. Time: 8:20am to 5:15pm
Place: Sheraton New York Hotel, 811 Seventh
Ave. (at 53d St.). Cost: Members, $250;
nonmembers, $350. Rsvp: (800) NYS-SCPA,
* * Is Wireless the Next Frontier? Time: 11:30am to 2:00pm
Place: Westin Hotel, Morristown, NJ; for
directions: (973) 539-7300. Cost: Members, $25; nonmembers, $45. Rsvp: Clara Stricchiola, (973) 267-4200 x193;
* * The Power of Strategy in E-Business.
Time: 5:00 TO 7:00 P.M.
Place: 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, across from the
west exit of Grand Central
Terminal; 18th floor. Cost: Members, $40;
nonmembers, $50; students and first time guests, $30. Rsvp: Leonard Steinberg, (516) 679-1256,
November 28, 2000
* * Open House for Advanced IT Management
Program. Time: 6:30pm.
Place: Columbia University, 510 Lewisohn
Hall, 116th St. & Broadway. Cost: Free.
Rsvp: Dennis Green, (212) 854-7436, www.ce.columbia.edu/aitm
* * CEOs to assess the future of E-commerce
at the chief executive groups second annual CEO conference Tuesday, November
28- Wednesday, November 29. Place
Windows on the World in New York City.
Rsvp: Elizabeth Ames, I-media Communications Inc. 212.517.6484:
November 29, 2000
* * Archiving & Managing Your Video
Footage: In-House & on the Web Time: 10:00am to 2:00pm. Place: Pulse
Digital, 915 Broadway (between 20th & 21st Sts.), 15th floor. Cost: Free.
Rsvp: Ruth Ellison, (212) 387-8800, rellison@pulsedigital.com
* * Archiving & Managing Your Video
Footage: In-House & on the Web
Time: 6:00 TO 8:00 P.M. Place: Pulse Digital,
915 Broadway (between 20th & 21st Sts.), 15th floor. Cost: Free. Rsvp: Ruth
Ellison, (212) 387-8800, rellison@pulsedigital.com
NOVEMBER 30, 8:30 A.M. TO 7:30 P.M.
> EVENT: eLearning Global Conference
> HOST: Diplomatic Planet
> DESCRIPTION: Meet the leaders from the
public sector who are defining the
> future of the education and eLearning
> LOCATION: DP Net's UN Plaza Conference
Center, 42nd St. and 2nd Ave.
> COST: $1500, preregistration required;
group discounts available
> CONTACT: David W. Alvey, (212) 952 1548,
November 30, 2000
* * Silicon Sidewalk Tradeshow. Time: 6:00pm
to 10:00pm. Place: BasketBall City, 35 Lomasney Way, Boston (near the Fleet
Center). Cost: $10 online, $20 at the door. Rsvp: More information:
www.siliconspot.com/sidewalk or email Brian(briand@siliconspot.com).
December 6, 2000
is pleased to welcome Meg Walsh , CEO of Oncology.com, as our featured guest
for the next "Conversations With.." lunch on Wednesday, December 6.
Time: 12 PM. Place: 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, NYC (across from Grand Central). Cost: $55 members, $75 guests (late
registration is an additional $10 and subject to availability). This event is
open to WIN members and guests. For Membership information, please send an
email to info@winm.org. Please RSVP and send
payment early to reserve your place. Seating is limited. Payment is necessary to confirm reservation.
Sorry, no refunds can be made.
Happy Thanks Giving!!
Future New York
* * Touched by Angel. Date: November 29, 2000. Place: New York, Marriott Marquia. Steve
Brotman, Managing Partner, Silicon Alley Venture Partners leads our band of
Angels. Chris Mutkowski, CEO, InternetAngel$ and CEO Coach, McAdory Lipscomb,
Jr.take on the start-ups and help them get ahead. The great start-up derby returns
to New York. Send your 150-word submission now to pitch@ibreakfast.com
Once again, we present our band of angels and
an audience of Investors,
Media and Business Development executives who
will help you get to the next level in your funding efforts.
* * WIN is pleased to welcome Meg Walsh , CEO
of Oncology.com, as our featured guest for the next "Conversations
With.." lunch on Wednesday, December 6.
Date: December 6, 2000. Time: 12
PM Networking 12:30 PM lunch is served 1-2 PM speaker. Place: The Yale Club 50 Vanderbilt Avenue,
NYC (across from Grand Central). Cost:
$55 members, $75 guests (late registration is an additional $10 and
subject to availability). This event is open to WIN members and guests. For Membership information,
please send an email to info@winm.org. Please RSVP and send payment early to reserve your place. Seating is limited. Payment is necessary to confirm reservation. Sorry, no refunds can be made.
To reserve either: a. MAIL BEFORE November 27 with your check, to Women In New Media, OR b. FAX BEFORE December 1 with your credit card info (MasterCard, Visa, or Amex only) to 212-369-5282.
subject to availability). This event is open to WIN members and guests. For Membership information,
please send an email to info@winm.org. Please RSVP and send payment early to reserve your place. Seating is limited. Payment is necessary to confirm reservation. Sorry, no refunds can be made.
To reserve either: a. MAIL BEFORE November 27 with your check, to Women In New Media, OR b. FAX BEFORE December 1 with your credit card info (MasterCard, Visa, or Amex only) to 212-369-5282.
"Business to Business 2001"
Conference and Exposition. A B2B e-Business Conference and Exposition on Strategy,
Solutions, and Internet Technology in "NO TECH" Language for Small
& Medium-size Company
Enterprises and Women and Minority
Businesses. Date: March 27th & 28th, 2001.
Time: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (both days).
Place: The Roosevelt Hotel New York, Madison and 45th Street New York,
New York. Cost: 2 Day Conference $295. 1 Day Conference $225. Exhibition Only
$95. RSVP:
Http://www.business-to-Business2001.com or email us at -
* * Corporate Venturing hosted by Strategic Research
Institute. Date: October 30-Tuesday, October 31. Place: Boston, MA. Cost:
$1,595. Rsvp: www.srinstitute.com/divisions/cx/cx336.html
* * Model Party Invite. Date November 16,
2000. Time 9:00PM to 2:00AM. Place:
GoodBar 9229 Sunset Blvd, Beverly Hills. Rsvp:
megaone.com/indiesite/colours.htm chase-indie@usa.net,
Event Space
* * Event Space Available: Technology/Incubator Building on Houston
Street between Sullivan & Thompson seeks strategic partners/investors to
create state-of-the-art storefront event space/technology gallery. Fantastic location, incredible
details/ambiance. 5,000 sq ft storefront, 5,000 sq ft usable basement space.
Send inquiries to: jdm@jdm.com
* * Our weekly
select Calendar of Events. It is sent every Friday so you can prepare for the
coming week's events. As we want to provide as much value as possible, please
send us your suggestions to help us improve the format, delivery and
Joanna Fabozzi, Editor
* * To List Your
Event Here
Send an email with
the following information completed:
Event Info:
* * We are accepting
If you are
interested in advertising, please send an email to ads@thecyberscene.com?subject=Advertise:Calendar