As New York and coincidence would have it, I ran into Dan Witz, an old
friend of mine, a traditional oil painter who now works in digital realms
as well, at the Zefer Gallery ( His paintings stem
from the photo-realism realm and capture people, animals and things
frozen in space and time. He is especially good at Hummingbirds and at
convincing this entirely inappropriately attired (fancy hat, short skirt,
high heels, clutch pocketbook) journalist to join him on his BMW
motorcycle to the next event. Seizing the opportunity, I decided my hat
will live through the crushing wind, and I could stand to have my
stocking'd legs face the city on a bike. So, I hopped on and we went
jetting through Soho to my appointed stop. From Zefer to Location One to
FUN (under the Manhattan Bridge), I relished the cool air on our faces
and the artwork. FUN was hosting its Open Mouse, where Natalia Blamch,
Jorge Castro, Max Herman, Suhee Wooh, Bret Nicely, Madame Chao and Yael
Kanarek featured their works on the large, expansive wall. Music
delighted our ears and visuals delighted our eyes. Drink tickets tickled
our taste buds, but smoke polluted our noses. Rhizome Executive Director
Mark Tribe greeted us and explained a bit of the program. We settled into
a banquet to be enveloped in sensorial art. And we were. As the
projections went on and the final artist set up, we hopped back on the
bike and headed back uptown to Soho. A lovely, chilly, artfully inspired
night with a dash of excitement. What a way to make living in NY!