What do you do when you see a banner ad you actually are interested in, but don't want to answer it right away? Well, if it's a ClickVu banner you can return and interact with it whenever you want. I learned all this (and more!) at ClickVu's launch party at Lush on Tuesday, May 23. The joint was jumpin' too--a swing band playing tunes, a cigarette girl offering packs of Camels and lighting deepened the mood. The first charmer I met was the strapping Greg Elin, with whom I traveled across the country (he on motorcycle, me in a car) during the Alley to Valley Rally in the Summer of '97. Greg had done some database work for the company and told me he's converting more and more people to the world of motocycling. Mary Wible and Debra Williamsen of Swell Productions brought me in to acclimate me to the principals. On our way through the bar, we passed a counter featuring a row of laptops with the keyboards wrapped in Saran Wrap -- brilliant practicality! Conversation bits overheard on the way back -- "really, really, you have a lot of investors?" – is a hopeful barometer of the times. CNBCers Sean Driscoll and Laine Henderson were chatting with the lovely and striking Uta Knablein, with whom I also traveled across the U.S. Uta told me about her new Ducati 750, and I began getting that itch to be out on a wide stretch of road, just me and a bike (well, maybe riding on the back of one). Back in the restaurant was Justin Greene, co-founder and CTO of ClickVu, chatting with a Junior HS buddy and now venture capitalist, Stephen Cornick of Impact Venture Partners. Justin needed to make his way back to the front, and find his partner and co-founder Michael Cassara. The mix of many young digital workers and friends of the company was livelier than ever, and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. I, however, made my way for the door and an early night!