Michael Tchong wowed and entertained the Breakfast at VIC audience of over 200 attendees on Tuesday, September 28th at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. I enjoyed hearing about some of the astonishing stats of this industry's growth, and his accurate predictions while sampling fresh fruits. Afterwards I chatted with Heather Mason of ShowBizData.com, Leslie Berliant of E Talent Agency, Candice Pearson of Intertainer and Victoria Miller of V Communications.
A tour of LA's Museum of Radio and Television (for a potential BIG VIC event) followed breakfast and then Brad Nye and I headed over to the Beverly Hilton for some of the Digital Hollywood conference. He introduced me to Victor Harwood, president of this long-running conference, Mariana Danilovic of KPMG and Rick Bender (director of Online Media, American Film Institute). I also saw New Yorker David Friedensohn of BigStar.com and bumped into Warren Beatty! He's good friends with Spence Bovee, of VIC. Be still my beating heart!