The Cyber Scene (tm) ~ by Courtney Pulitzer ~ July 2, 1999
~ This week was we've got a whole beach bag of goodies! Check out the Table of Contents -- full reports are on the site, so your e-mail box won't bust!
~ I won't kiss & tell, but this month's "Cocktails with Courtney" had full-moon impact!
~ Catch me tonight as I appear on MLC's "Plugged In" show (Cablevision) discussing the pros and cons of buying food on-line. (And take home a live lobster tail!) 8:30 PM. Cablevision.
~ Don't touch that dial! Coming soon you'll be able to LISTEN to "The Cyber Scene" report each week instead of just reading it, thanks to Austin-based Clickhear Productions ( Videocasts are planned for the future too.
I. This week's specials:
Weddings galore
Broadband and Streaming conferences galore
Spending Island Time and "Yack!"ing with Mark Cuban
SWAK -- CWC (pictures soon)
The Cyber Scene in Austin
The Cyber Scene in San Diego
The Cyber Scene in Australia ~ Special report by Aliza Sherman
II. Regular Features:
Shakers and Stirrers
Bits and Bytes
III. "Cocktails with Courtney"
NYC -- July 28th
Austin -- August 4th (final plans pending) *Webcast via Clickhear
LA and SF -- Stay tuned!
More info:
IV. Where in the world is Courtney Pulitzer?
Media Life -- -- Every Monday
AlleyCat News -- -- Every Month