Tuesday, July 20, 1999
As a sneak preview to this year's Digital Music Festival http://www.thegig.com/), I thought I'd credit a few bands I know who've had Web sites and even supported web events by playing at them. Cocktail Angst (a great retro loungy band -- www.cocktailangst.com) and the Bari Koral Band -- a urban folk band -- www.barikoral.com) both played at the WWWAC Holiday Party in '97 at Irving Plaza. Two bands with people in the new media biz are Ian Macgraith's Anomaly (http://www.inch.com/~magraith/) and Mark Curtis Filstup's Flatiron Five Men's a cappella group (http://www.filstrup.com/Flatiron5/index.html). Check out any and all of these bands, and more, when the Festival starts on July 20.