I spun out and up to Renaissance's party where I had a chance to see Bruce Strzelczyk and meet Tim Shea of Cable & Wireless. The well-spoken Larry Chase of WDFM introduced me to Ken Magill, editor of iMarketing News and Belinda Wittlin, acct. exec for AT&T local services. Ken and I chatted for a bit about newsletters and the wealth of information out there to be covered. Laurence Paskowitz, president and CEO of SavingsYellowPages.com came over and told me his site will be launching soon. On my way out I chatted briefly with Phil Kiracofe (who's now at RareMedium), Maria Elena Rigo of Cohn & Wells, Toni Lo Presti (Renaissance) and Christine Harmel who were all excited about next Thursday's party. (see the Calendar of Events for more info!)