Thursday, September 23, 1999

Twenty years and one hundred lawyers later

The opulent Hudson Theater in the Millenium Hotel sparkled through the sea of dark blue suits of the partners, attorneys and clients of Brown Raysman Milstein Felder & Steiner's Twentieth anniversary on September 23rd. Betsy Silverfine introduced me to founding partner Peter Brown who told me he "feels like we're entrepeneurs like the Internet, with our growth." In 1990 there were 30 lawyers, and since, the firm's grown to 110 lawyers and 37 partners. They've had a long tradition in computer law and like Silicon Alley, are seeing the technical and corporate business and legal issues coming together for clients ranging from Time Warner to Music Pen. Jeffrey Neuburger, also a partner, has been specializing in ecommerce law for seven years, and between Edward Pisacreta and Dov Sherzer they've been in the firm for 2/3rds of its existence. After cocktails there was a retrospective video and dinner, and many toasts to twenty more years!