Just out for a casual stroll before dinner at the Mercer Kitchen, I popped into Space Untitled and happened upon a World Wide Web Artists Consortium gathering. WWWAC board member Colin Strasser told me since October 2000 he's been organizing a Monday night meeting for programmers to learn and develop part of the WWWAC site. New programmers come to learn code and work on an application where web-workers of the WWWAC can post URLS to showcase their work. A dozen or so men in ages ranging from mid-twenties to mid-sixties in t-shirts, shorts, checked shirts and Birkenstocks clustered around a Mac, a PC and Linux machine connected to each other via a handy-andy portable network (transported via brown paper bag). (Have Network, Will Travel). The nights of learning, sharing and developing are making a difference and you can check out wwwac.org in the coming months to see the application in process.