Tuesday, August 28, 2001

An off-the-record evening ~ by Gina M. Larson

Andy Wong and James Morrow had nothing to feel sorry for on Tuesday as they laid to rest their online publication, Ironminds. While the event at Scharmanns marked the end of their literary site, it was also a celebration of their new print publication, NY Metropolis. The paper, which is on newsstands currently, is Brooklyn's answer to the Village Voice. According to James, the outer borough has never had a paper that addressed them as a community. "They were always told that if they wanted to party, they had to do it in Manhattan," he said. In keeping with the tradition of past Ironmind celebrations, writers who contributed to the magazines took to a literal stage and shared their stories with the audience. Larry Getlen read a commentary piece on the MTV Video Awards Show, a la Charles Bukowski. And Christina Valhouli read a hilarious essay on the delicate subject of having the courage to do number two when your number one man is around. The night seemed like a smashing success, and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the duo, Andy and John, will have similar luck in their next endeavor.