Thursday, February 03, 2000
Holy Macaroni, Batman!
Don't let the slick black cape and darling pointy ears fool you. Beneath that tough Super-VC-hero suit is a dashing man. His counterparts are no underling Robins either! Yes, the Draper Fisher Jurvetson Gotham Ventures' Tim Draper, John Fisher and Steve Jurvetson -- were all charming their guests, and showing themselves to be good sports about making a splash in NYC. The party was a splash. Jokers, Robins, Catwomen and Bat cars served as accessories throughout the large loft space, piquing Silicon Alley-ers interest in these men and their company. Tim Draper literally stole the stage while his colleagues were speaking when he ran across it in a Bat suit. Deflecting attention, Daniel Schultz of DFJ told me that their real mission is to make their clients famous. Chris Patyk, Jeff Stewart and Debra Schultz (sister of Daniel) were some Alley-ites who came to show their support of the new group. Everyone was enthusiastic about them and after speaking with a few guests throughout the party, I got several acknowledgements that this team was welcome on Gotham soil, especially after feeling slighted by local VCs. I guess any pompousness Wall Street and our handful of NY-based investors may have enjoyed would be better put aside with this energetic crew staking their claim in Manhattan.