Too busy to fly into town for the party due to a heavy schedule of filming commercials, Whoopi Goldberg couldn't come to's 1-year birthday party. She did however say a few peppy words to jazz up the guests and how great she thinks Flooz is during a short new-recap of all the holiday stories clip. The several hundred or so guests who sashayed their way around the Ace Gallery, between dancing accordion-like displays of Issay Miayke fashions. Tall orange-colored fruity-flavored Flooz Punch drinks floated around in the toned hands of furious typers by day and frenzied shakers by night.
Spencer Waxman and Robert Levitan, co-founders, said a few words about the excitement of the occasion, cut the triple-tiered orange colored cake and re-introduced their orange workman-suited caped Great Gift Hero. I chatted for a while with Mark Baer of the NYSE, which boasts AOL/Time Warner, and ZDNet as some of its listings. Adam Cooper of Medsite and Lucinda Bhavsar of UUMA and a few other ex-and current iVillagers were there to share in the happy night. Janine Perri, Kathy Reilly, Dermot McCormack and the other Floozers were all decked out in lacey tops, leather skirts and suits (I'll let you figure out who was in what!). Kevin Werbach of EDventure was there with his wife, Joanne, who works at Flooz and Renee Edelman and I chatted about the parties earlier in the evening. Before leaving I chatted with Laura Kaiser, the executive editor of and Owen Davis of The Thinking Media.
Ben Austin and Luke Haseloff of Comet Systems and I picked up our orange colored gift bag of goodies and headed out into the spring-like night. Before we went our separate ways, they showed me their new space, which is the entire former El Diario building. I got an insider tour of the temporary workspaces downstairs, the not yet completed upstairs, the bulletproof windows and the famous Comet Download Counter. Increasing in significant jumps, the counter tallies every comet download. After they hit the 10,000,000 mark, the celebratory parties dwindled, but the numbers kept increasing. Today the numbers were over 25,000,000. Oh those magic bean counters!