The lure of moules frites and a hearty pint-o-Belgian ale drew some women out to Belgo for the Women in New Media Association's get together on Tuesday, February 22nd. Elizabeth Fuss of Scient, Danielle Cyr of Richards & O'Neil and Danielle Jude and I chatted for a while with Heidi Cohen (Doubleday Direct) and Marianne Nebel (Buena Vista Publishing Group). Marion Novak and Jennifer Nash of WIN were there greeting newbies. Jolie Whitmoyer (iXL) and Cynthia Auman (Carbone Smolan Agency) and I chatted about the maturity of the scene in NYC versus the cynical POV of the scene in SF. Caroline Farnsworth (VP, Online business) and Jordana Drell of Children's Television Workshop were enjoying their time and told me how they're working on getting CTW more of a presence in the new media community. Despite the horrendous acoustics in Belgo and the pushy waiters, the WIN women were happy and satiated with their meeting of minds and mussels.