Wednesday, August 04, 1999

Cocktails with Courtney ~ Austin 1999

Cocktails with Courtney in Austin was hotter than ever -- and not just because of the famous Austin heat. Sponsored by The Net-Worker, this event drew over 150 industry-related CEOs, managers, artists, webcasters and technology-related professionals. Held at the SpeakEasy on Wednesday, August 4th, we had food from Wholefoods(and the dot com) and once again Gundlach Bundschu, that lovely family-owned vineyard in California, provided some fine wines for the night. ClickHear set up a full stage for webcasting the entire party, and MSI Austin also prepared some delicious treats for the guests. And when the hors d'oeuvres ran out, we ordered in more pizzas! I got to meet Hugh Forrest, Event Director for the SXSW conference and Karen Johnson of The Loomis Group. Shane Cook of devoted much of his evening to taking digital photographs of the event. Glenn Birk, Terrell Lewis, Steve Cunningham and Gary Fortlin of MSI Austin came by to meet other new media Austinites. I'd been in their facility earlier that day for a mind-blowing tour -- I literally almost TOUCHED THE INTERNET! Wow...(more on this later) Carrie Beaton and Ken Perry of Renaissance, Cheryl Seeman of RJ Kolar and Joe McLean of Computer Moms came by. A great group of NetWorkers like executive publisher Marc Bruneman and editors Amy Davis, Stacy Short, Stephanie Dauphin came by for some networking. Scott Miller and Melissa Windgard-Philips of PC Order and Marc Armstrong of Pencom and Elizabeth Billups of SpringBok PR were out for the fun night. Other guests who came were Dean Patton of Tidal Software, Troy Miller of Single Cell Productions, Giuseppe Ferrigno of MedStat, Chris Treadaway of Stratfor, Mike Morrison of Activerse and Michael Ho of Trilogy. Qwest was represented by Patrick Rohrbough and Jenny Mossman; Bill Kleinebecker and David Smith came from Technology Futures; and Clay Goodwin (a regular) of House of Moves and Rosie Vonzurmuehlen of Alchemy Studios (another regular) also showed up in support of the Austin Cocktails. Even the FG Squared top-tier crew, including Jason Fellman, Steve Golby, Doug Collins and a few others came by after a private dinner to check out the scene. Brent Davis of New England Financial and Craig Negoescu of Frogdesign were some of the new guests, and what was personally encouraging was hearing from many people that they'd heard about the cocktail party from several people. The word spreads quickly and hopefully the good spirits of the fun night did too!

* Check out Cyber Scene contributors Will Kreth's (Agillion) and Bill Holloway's (Antera Consulting) notes on the scene too!

* And don't miss the WEBCAST SHOW, Compliments of ClickHear!