Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Courtney Pulitzer's Calendar of Events ~ October 22, 2002

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Email: events@thecyberscene.com Subject= Event_Listing:Calendar

Don’t forget to check out our other full listing of events online at:

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Social Circles -- NY’s premier activity club – is a great social networking vehicle and good way to meet new people. From now through November 30, readers from this list receive 30% off of membership (to receive the discount, call Lynn at 212-505-9985 ext. 25 and mention “Courtney”). Not only will it broaden your circles of friends (there are 2000 members, successful professionals, ages 20s-40s), but you’ll also acquire a busy, fulfilling social life packed with lots of new things to do. You can view this month’s calendar at www.socialcircles.com.

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** US-Mexico Chamber Of Commerce "Employment Related Issues Facing Foreign Companies Doing Business In The United States"
Date: October 30, 2002
Time: Registration And Continental Breakfast: 8:15 – 8:30 A.M.; Presentations And Discussion: 8:30 – 9:45 A.M.
Place: Cornell Club, 6 East 44th Street, New York City
Cost:    $20.00 For Members Of The US-Mexico Chamber Of Commerce And $30.00 For Non-Members

** ETA-ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE - Bringing the entertainment industry and technologists together.   http://www.etaexpo.com  
Date: Wednesday, October 30th - November 1st, 2002
Place: Tribeca Grand Hotel.
Info: You Can See the Conference Program at  http://www.etaexpo.com/conferenceagenda.html 
Rsvp: http://www.etaexpo.com/register.html  / Or contact: 310.229.8915, email info@etaexpo.com
Cost: $295 by 10/28; $395 at door; includes cocktail receptions, VIP event on Halloween, and full conference. LIMITED AVAILABILITY FOR INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS. Sessions for $50 by 10/28

** The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, New York ~ Biotech Conference
Date: October 31, 2002
Place: Citibank Auditorium, 599 Lexington Avenue, New York
Info: biotechnology is just beginning to reshape the global heath care industry!  How can investors, entrepreneurs and communities play a role? Gain insight into how biotechnology is transforming the pharmaceutical industry from the leadership of AstraZeneca.  Explore the investment and economic opportunities with global industry experts and regional development professionals.  Get a peek into the future technologies that will fuel the industry with Carl Feldbaum, President of the Biotechnology Industry Organization. For a day packed full of exciting presentations that will open your eyes to the future of Global Biotechnology.
Cost: $ 295
Rsvp: http://www.saccny.org/biotech/biotech.asp for more information and for registration or contact Ingrid Carozzi at 212-838-5530, ingrid.carozzi@saccny.org

** Women’s Leadership Exchange Conference
Date: November 1, 2002
Time: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Place: Sheraton Hotel & Towers, 811 Seventh Avenue at 53 Street, New York City
If your business has exceeded $1–20 million in revenues or your goal is to do so, then come to the Women’s Leadership Exchange conference.  100s of women leading established companies to make connections, create alliances and attend skill-building interactive business seminars.  Designed to create breakthroughs to the next level of growth. Keynoting will be Governor Ann Richards. 6 educational tracks (management, strategy, sales and marketing, technology, finance & operations, outreach and life) with 18 seminars, facilitated networking sessions and awards celebrating women who have shifted the paradigm of how women are perceived as leaders in the world. 
Rsvp: www.womensleadershipexchange.com or call 888.937.5800

Date: November 3 - 5, 2002
Place: Berlin, Germany
Cost: Register before September 30, 2002, to take advantage of our early-registration discount - USD 2,500 (~2,521 Euro), a 15% savings over the regular USD 2,950 (~2,975 Euro) fee. Alternatively, register two people from your organization for USD 4,000 (~4,034 Euro).
Info: It has been a tough year in Europe, and that makes it an especially good time to reassess your business models, find new partners, and make sure you know what your competition is up to - whether it's new marketing approaches or new technology to support customers. The IT marketplace is uniquely complex and integrated; no one can be a part of it without interacting with players outside his own specialty. For 12 years, the High-Tech Forum has provided entrepreneurs and executives at established companies the opportunity to do just that. Our past attendees regularly tell us how valuable the Forum is - not just in new insights, but in contacts that led to profitable new business opportunities they would not have discovered otherwise.

** The Manhattan Chamber of Commerce 2002 Annual Business Awards Breakfast
Date: November 6, 2002
Time: 8:00AM - 9:30AM.
Place: Citicorp Center, 53rd & Lex
Info: Keynote speaker Honorable NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Mayor Bloomberg will discuss the state of the city as it relates to the business community.
Cost: Member Advanced: $50.00; Advanced: $55.00; Member Door: $55.00; Door: $60.00
** Endowments & Foundations
Date: November 4 - 7, 2002
Place: The Fairmont Miramar Hotel Santa Monica
Info: A Critical Time to Reevaluate Your Investment Strategy
Rsvp: http://www.iirusa.com/E&F/
***Mention priority code XUEME when registering, and receive a $50 discount!***

** RUSSOFT National Software Development Association announces its new initiative – Russian IT Seasons
Date: November 6 - November 9, 2002
Time: 8.00 – 20.00
Place: New York
Cost: free of charge
Info: Info: www.fort-ross.ru/roadshow. Official opening of Russian IT seasons. Please join the event and to learn more about software industry in Russia and success stories of co-operation with U.S. customers! RUSSOFT is an association of the leading companies in the field of Software Development from Russia and Bielorus.  Currently RUSSOFT consists of more than 50 companies with 6000 highly qualified software developers who are experienced across a broad range of applications and technical platforms. RUSSOFT member companies generated approximately $120 million of annual export turnover in 2001 and are expected to exceed $150 M in the 2002.  Combined, RUSSOFT companies total about 40% of the Russian export software development industry.  According to the Gartner Group this sector is expected to grow at the rate of 50% a year.
Rsvp Vera Semyonova, vvs@fort-ross.spb.ru

** NYNMA's Technology Showcase: Real Business Solutions and Connections
Date: November 7, 2002
Time: TBA
Place: Metropolitan Pavilion & Altman Building, New York City
NYNMA's Technology Showcase will highlight strategies for discovering profitable new business opportunities between Fortune 500 and emerging technology companies via a full day of panels, business connections,exhibits and presenting companies. This event will bring together 3,000 senior business and technology executives, private and corporate investors, and members of the media and analyst communities from the New York Tri-State area. For more information or complete details on participating in NYNMA's Technology Showcase, please contact sales@nynma.org or call 212-785-7898x302.

** Meet Gifford Miller at the next CRAIN'S BREAKFAST FORUM
Date: November 14, 2002
Time: 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. - Networking Breakfast; 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. - Program
Place: Sheraton New York, 811 Seventh Avenue
Info: Gifford Miller, Speaker of the New York City Council, will discuss the many issues the Council and city will face in the coming year including the $5 billion budget gap, increasing taxes, budget cuts, and more.
*Reserve today to take advantage of the early price!
$40 prepaid by 11/1
$50 after 11/1
All payment is non-refundable.
Pre-register online by going to www.crainsny.com/calendar.cms, or fax your business card and credit card information to "Miller Breakfast" at 212-210-0499. For more information, call the Events Hotline at 212-210-073

** Places with many other events listed:
Alley Event - http://www.alleyevent.com
Bernardo’s List - www.bernardoslist.com
EuroCircle – http://eurocircle.com/events 
EventMe! - http://www.eventme.com
NYNMA - http://www.nynma.org
Association for Women in Technology, Southern California Chapter - www.awtsocal.org.
T/Bex mailing list - tbexlist@DowntownNY.com
WWWAC List – http://wwwac.org

** Ongoing events:
Monday Night Magic: (and now they're other nights too!)
Magic: Close-up in Concert and Sideshow Saturday Night are produced by Magical Nights Inc, the pre-eminent source for high quality magical entertainment for sophisticated audiences. Magical Nights is the producer of Monday Night Magic, New York's longest-running Off-Broadway magic show, now in it's sixth year. For information on all Magical Nights productions call (212) 615-6432.