It's been a roller-coaster year for me, personally and professionally. Many highs and many lows. The important point to remember, I've learned, is to never let yourself feel defeated. Even if it seems like things aren't going your way, there's a reason for everything and usually Divine Inspiration has a master plan in store. I look at all "defeats" as opportunities to grow and learn something about myself, the way I work, the way the world and the people in it work and how to better interact with it (and them).
Thus, 2003 will be a "Year for Me," where I'll continue in a reflective, restorative and rejuvenating year. These publications will be scaled back and there will be fewer (and less public) "Cocktails with Courtney" events. I'm taking advantage of this slow time and "down time" to refocus my energies on where I'd really like to, as opposed to where people expect me to.
My wishes for the New Year include that each and every reader of this publication finds success in reaching towards their own personal goals.