When the folks at RLM Public Relations looked around this holiday season, they didn't see a lot of parties going on. Not ones to follow the pack, and wanting to give at least a little something back to those they care about and work with, they hosted their holiday celebration in RLM PR president and COO Brian Flynn's loft on Monday, December 17th. The delightful little soiree was so enticing that the sixty clients, soon-to-be-clients and friends of the agency didn't want to leave. Host Brian commented, "people were in the mood to let loose," which they apparently did because he'd also "never seen so much Vodka drunk." As you can imagine, the clients were appreciative and a few even made some deals together.
Brian also wrote in..."Although it was a tough year for everyone, there are signs of light in high-tech and new media. Our holiday party was not only to celebrate the holidays and surviving 2001, but more importantly, to welcome some of RLM's new clients, including E*TRADE, Barnes & Noble, Bitflip Interactive, Reed Exhibitions, and others. In direct contrast to the excess of 1999, the party was held at my loft rather than some over-the-top venue. Although re-enforcements had to replace the flowing vodka at around 9PM, [editor's note: see? They really did drink a lot!] the ice sculptures were noticeably absent. Perhaps 2002 will bring more parties, but with a touch of humility."
Amen to that!