Monday, December 09, 2002
Cyberchicks Holiday Reunion
From the bustling Times Square area, I headed uptown to Hartnick Consulting president's delightfully traditional and old-style New York apartment. There Kate Hartnick Elliot had prepared a lovely little array of hors d'oeuvres for the thirty or so women who came to enjoy the Cyberchicks Holiday Reunion on December 9th. I was able to spend quite a bit of time chatting with Debbie Newman, who recounted her exciting tales of studying law and organizers Adele Morrissette and Elisabeth DeMarse. Grant Media's Gretchen Grant and I caught up and Quantum Media Associates principal Ava Seave and I also had a great heart-to-heart. Grove Street Capital president Elaine Gilde, DIVA Capital's Joanne Wenig and Miriam Eaves were all sharing stories of the past few months since our last gathering. As the red (and white!) wine flowed, the evening's stories became more colorful and the picture (for 2003) rosier. Cheers to the Cyberchicks!