Tuesday, June 19, 2001
Hamptons Hoops
The Hampton Hoops proved its prowess at flexing its marketing muscle at their annual kick-off event on Tuesday. The gala was held in the penthouse suite of the fabulous new Hudson Hotel. While the evening may have had an athletic bent by nature, it didn't draw out even one sneaker-shoed sporto amongst the well-dressed crowd who sipped on martinis on the breathtaking patio protected by an ivy-covered tarp. Mary Lampe, executive director and COO of the Cardiovascual Research Foundation, didn't seem to mind the merry smoking crowd of hipsters, and was happy that her organization was chosen as the beneficiary of this year's Hamptons Hoops games. Gregg Oehler, president of Oehler Media, and Jim Sosnicky, from Silicon Alley Reporter were also amongst the partygoers who were working the room of bare-shouldered ladies and deeply bronzed men. Smirnoff Ice provided many of the refreshments, while DJ Jared Dietch took guests on an old-school jaunt through Rap's classics.